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How long is one of your average DayZ session? Solo or group?

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I'am curious about this.

Each time you launch the game, you stay for a time before leaving.

I would like to know the average of a player session duration and if you play more solo or group.

When solo : I usually play 1.30 to 2 hours

When in group : 2 hours to 5 hours

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My group of friends usually play nightly from 12am-3am/5am. Sometimes we start earlier. Tonight we've been playing from 11pm until 8am. We all have jobs but thankfully most of us work the night shift so we get off late. :)

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I'm playing 1-2 hours most of the time. In that time I usually raid ONE town, get some gear, retreat, and then get someplace safe to rest, eat, drink, and bandage if needed. any more and i get the jitters

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Depends what im doing, as it varies a large amount day to day.

For example, I got distracted by finding a bus today, so that took up a 3 hour session that I planned to be about an hour long, but sometimes I can do 6 hour sessions depending who im with or what im doing.

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anywhere from less than an hour to 6 hours, longest was 3 days

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Thank for your answers.

I bump this to have more answers, to find an average.

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Well I must admit I am addicted to this mod. I am between jobs atm so I play on daily base.

Mostly I start of solo and do some hunting and fill the watter bottles from the tents or jerrycans from the cars, basically the tidious jobs.

Then we usually meet up with 2-5 players in total and we go on a tour thru chernarsus for ammo, food, drinks and other general supplies.

Then we usually have to defend our car(s) from jealous players who open fire cos they think they can steal our cars.

The shortest time I've played is like 6 hrs but usually and lately more then 12 hrs a day :P

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Played on a rainy sunday from 10 am to like 3 am with breaks ofcourse with a group I know for 2-3 years :-)

Died eventually cuz a stupid move but was fun :p

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Normally play solo. Only really teamed up twice, neither trip ended well...

Session length? I think the shortest is around an hour, longest around 3 hours.

I don't get enough time to play, sadly...

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