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expanding the map/new buildings

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sorry if this thread has appeared many times but ya know

so as the map is bieng expanded, new towns are being added along with new types of building such as the new police station, but i have some ideas for buildings to add.

1. large country estate, lots of russia is poor BUT small amounts of russia are very rich, and i would love to see huge houses, with massive staircases in the hallway. i could imagine these massive derelict mansions just in the middle of nowhere

2. abandoned theme park - maybe?

3. less churches, just not in every tiwn , thanks

4. an arcade not a video games one (although that would be cool) one of the indoor shopping streets, you know what i mean

5. enterable cherno town hall

7. big shopping centre(s) ???

8. abandoned sports centre : gym, swimming pool, basketball court, changing rooms : i saw photos of an abondoned olympic park (irl) pleaasseeee add that

9. different houses, the 'piano house' needs multiple interiors and exteriors , just more variety

so and criticisms and suggestions please add them

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Why no churches? I'm not religious but you have to understand in places like this(ex- soviet states)Eastern Orthodox Christianity is huge. Theme park seems more like a "2spooky4me" place instead of an actual useful place, the devs need to focus on useful right now. Maybe a map mod will add stuff like that in the future. Anyway, the other stuff seems alright

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fine i change less churches to less churches but make all current ones larger and leave benches in the way and all that stuff

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I think the best way it could be done is for open competitions for the playerbase to get invloved and submit buildings and areas to expand the actual map. I think this way they could get a larger diversity of buildings they could add to the game including the ones suggested. Star citizen currently does this with ships and as this game will have a very large modding community when its allowed that folding the mods into the game also will be a great idea as it will also encourage high quality mods for the game. Because once vehicles come in espec flying vehicles the map will seem much smaller.


 Personaly i would love a chernobyl type area where mask would be required and if you stay to long you will start to get sick, but some of the best gear is within the area.

Edited by Shingara
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by churches i change my idea to more church models , and larger churches aswell, make them all enterable?

also theme park , yeah they can drop that :)

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I think an abandoned theme park would be a nice touch, at the moment though I think the devs have other more pressing matters on their hands. But in time I would love to see this implemented.  :)

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As long as it is a building that you would find in the Czech Republic Im all for more variations on what you find from town to town.

We need more unique buildings that you only find in one or two places.

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i like it, beans for you  :beans:  :thumbsup:

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