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Is the DayZ Mod better than Standalone?

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Yes, in almost every way. And you have all the variations you can imagine: Epoch, Origin, easy servers, super hardcore servers etc.


Don't get fooled by people who never played the Mod or are heavy influenced by Dean ("zomg alpha! potential!"). Sure, eventually SA has a chance to be better than mod but definitely not right now.


We can start comparing Mod and SA when SA gets a working loot system, half-decent zombies and any sort of persistent storage system. 

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The mod is great, we started on the SA, got bored to death of it went on to the mod, just keep glancing back at the SA to see if anything else has miraculously been added to stable yet, but, its kinda like watching paint dry in sub zero temperatures. The mod (once you get used to the inventory, salvaging vehicles and every thing else) is great. Get bored of the SA, put on the mod. You probably wont come back on the SA for some time i assure you, just takes a little getting used to. I say its a good buy.  

Edited by Mr Sinister
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So i'm curious, I bought the standalone back in February, and i wanna know if the mod is any better or not. Because so far i've watched videos of the mod and it looks less boring and more complete.


Thanks :P

So fare the mod dayz and the altered modes like Epoch and so on seem just 100xs more evolved than the current game. And it IS more fun because i was just playing a few minutes ago. Depending on what mod load out you go with you can easily find different types of zombies with different clothing, some crawling some on all 4s like animals, iv even seen ones with torn off limbs and axes in there skulls. Its great. There is more stealth in that game that works and the zombies dont run through walls and see you a million miles a way.

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I'd say over all the mods are 100x ahead of dayZ SA *IN ITS CURRENT STATE*


A few simple thing that really make it better imho;

  • the mod has many Sub-Mods made by the community to cater to different desires. Overwatch for pure PvP, Epoch for group play/bases, and origin/DayZero for a more refined version of the original.
  • Vehicles. Vary heavily by which mod you play. there is everything from some private hives with a bijillion everything including jets and tanks, to the "official" mod with just a few civie rides, and everything inbetween.
  • Storage. again varies by mod and server. in official we have tents. some others like epoch offer safes, lock boxes, caches, etc many of which survive character death allowing you to keep a permanent "stash"

I do hope for the SA to get up to snuff but in its current state there is zero reason to do anything but KOS on the spawn areas as there's no lasting storage methods, No vehicles, no bases, nothing that would encourage or require a team effort to achieve.

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While somewhat on topic, I'd like to ask how active is the game? I guess development came to a halt for SA though I'd be interested in getting the mod if it's got more stuff and is still very active on the EU side of things player wise.

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I've been playing games since 1979 and i have to say that the mod is probably one of the best games and experiences i have ever had. I'm enjoying the standalone and tbh stick with it and watch it grow but there's no reason why you shouldn't dive on in and sample some of the mods delights!


If you do buy it (using DayZ Commander), make sure you try - De 1000 servers which you can by playing vanilla DayZ, Epoch, Breaking Point or the rather excellent Zero or maybe just head on in for some original DayZ shenanigans  :)

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I can confirm that the DayZ mod (especially Epoch) is better than DayZ Standalone. I can also confirm that adding bananas to a peanut butter sandwich is better than a plain peanut butter sandwich.

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Thanks you guys, I bought the mod (well, arma combined op) a few days ago *SADLY A DAY BEFORE IT GOES ON SALE, Steam always was brutal with me DX*, started with Epoch, really lovin' it much more than Standalone, like x100 better. At least people KOS less on it XP It's great. Thanks for the help. :P

Edited by TheCookiemob59

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So i'm curious, I bought the standalone back in February, and i wanna know if the mod is any better or not. Because so far i've watched videos of the mod and it looks less boring and more complete.


Thanks :P


By incredible leaps and bounds, yea.

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Mod is more fun and more playable. Standalone is broken and they keep adding useless things such as paining guns when they should be working on tents, zombies, and pvp.

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Both have their merits and bad points in my opinion but from my point of view having never played anything Arma related before I went in for Standalone first.


Content and fun factor wise, the mods are definitely way ahead of Standalone and that is to be expected. But... performance, UI / Inventory / Animations and general functionally, SA wins by a large margin and is much much smoother. The little things like being able to shoulder mount a gun and still be able to switch and use an axe puts SA in good stead in my books. In the mod can't equip an axe without dropping a gun bigger than a pistol.


And the bad, both have a lot of the same bugs and glitches and the sound.. the god damn sound is abysmal in both versions in terms of things such as Ocean and wind drowning everything out, random noises which are supposed to be generated from player activity such as eating, the cracking of twigs in a wooded area, fences knocking etc when no other player is around is very annoying.

Zombies are terrible in both and we actually call some of them Terminator Zombies because some will snap you, bleed you and kill you with in seconds.


Those are some of my thoughts on both.

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