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When I downloaded Dayz I thought it was about teamplay, and maybe meet bandits from time to time that u have to dodge. I love Zombie games and this is supposed to be aiming for realism.. So how come everytime im trying to be friendly to someone they shoot me on site.. I tought the main focus was the zombies. But after awhile I figured the game out.. the only thing u have too do when u meet zombies is to just run past them.. no reel challenge in that.. and u run trough a building and then their off ur back. U meet a player and your new to this game. Just run because their probably just going to shoot you! I didnt sign up for freeforall cod bullshit. Ive played arma 2 for a long time and i love zombies but the game has developed into something else then teamwork and the mainreason ZOMBIES!

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So is this a replica of freeforall cod or? because then like u said.. this mod isnt for me

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This is a survival sandbox game.

Some players choose to survive solo.

Some players band together as groups and set up camps.

Some players act like murdering douchebags.

Some players whine on the server about being shot about said douchebags.

This is a sandbox game, people play how they want.

Learn and adapt or play another game.

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Well I play with friends which makes this game more enjoyable, the downside is if you go into the major cities it's a free for all the fact spawns are close by and the abundance of Ammo so you get people who just keep respawning when they die, run back in grab their weapon and continue killing thats fine I guess if they wish to play like that but for a ''survivor'' that can be a real pain in the arse, because you kill them and they just keep coming back and just grab another weapon.

That is a problem, of course then you have no side chat to communicate with anyone in server if you don't know anyone or wish to make friends, there is of course Direct chat but you'll need a mic, typing just gets you killed when they're in your face and in other cases the direct is turned off on some servers.

It is a team game if you choose it to be sadly alot hampers that ability to form groups or people due to features being removed because of people calling for ''realisim'' among other facts, you just have to be persistant or ask friends to get the game to play with you and use coms which most groups do already so people like yourself are pretty much screwed until you have that 0.01% chance of finding someone nice when they're in your face.

Also can people stop using the term COD, they're two types the original COD which was great! then there is COD MW/BO which is where people direct their hate lets differentiate between solid online experience to rambo nonsense.

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ok.. sorry i misunderstood when i saw the description of the game by the makers off the this mod...

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ok.. sorry i misunderstood when i saw the description of the game by the makers off the this mod...

What is there to misunderstand? The game is what you make it.

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well the developers aimed for a realistic zombie apocalypse simulation... in real life a human would have been extremely thankful for meeting another human not engage the human instantly after u spotted him... so thats my bad for misunderstanding.

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ok.. sorry i misunderstood when i saw the description of the game by the makers off the this mod...

Bullshit. EVERY article and interview I read about this game leading up to my download mentioned rampant' date=' unrestricted PvP as a central, critical part of the game. You didn't read shit past "zombies."

On the FRONT PAGE of DayZ when you click on "What is Dayz" you are given three simple missions:

1. Scavenge

2. Slay zombies [b']and bandits

3. Survive

It's right there. In number 2. See it yet?

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ok.. sorry i misunderstood when i saw the description of the game by the makers off the this mod...

Bullshit. EVERY article and interview I read about this game leading up to my download mentioned rampant' date=' unrestricted PvP as a central, critical part of the game. You didn't read shit past "zombies."

On the FRONT PAGE of DayZ when you click on "What is Dayz" you are given three simple missions:

1. Scavenge

2. Slay zombies [b']and bandits

3. Survive

It's right there. In number 2. See it yet?

4. Profit

Seems about right.

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in real life a human would have been extremely thankful for meeting another human

Oh, great. Another fucking expert on human apocalypse psychology.

I don't even like meeting strangers NOW. You think I'm suddenly going to turn into a social butterfly when the world goes to complete and utter shit? Yeah, no. Not going to happen. Family and friends I know already? Sure, come right in. Maybe children I will think about sheltering. But some random fatass rolls up on me and starts asking for food and medical supplies? BLAM BLAM fatso. I'd gut, cure and eat you sooner than feed you.

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Lol calm the fuck down ... I said I misunderstood.

and whats up with all these fat computer nerds saying that they can shoot someone just like that in real-life... fuck no

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and whats up with all these fat computer nerds saying that they can shoot someone just like that in real-life... fuck no

Maybe, maybe not. Don't underestimate how far someone will go.

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op is right though, 9 times out of 10 when you meet someone in dayz, they will shoot you... people can say whatever they want, that dont change the facts that this is mainly a deathmatch at the moment...

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1. You did a terrible job researching this game in an age when research is a matter of keystrokes.

2. There is already a dedicated thread for this discussion.

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Just to let you in on a secret: Humans have been killing each other since the dawn of time.

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op is right though' date=' 9 times out of 10 when you meet someone in dayz, they will shoot you... people can say whatever they want, that dont change the facts that this is mainly a deathmatch at the moment...


PvP is pretty rampant, gamers will be gamers. There is a thing to avoiding all that mess and it is rewarding. Figure it out.

Get some people to watch your six as well.

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Just to let you in on a secret: Humans have been killing each other since the dawn of time.

what does that have to do with dayz... lol:huh:

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op is right though' date=' 9 times out of 10 when you meet someone in dayz, they will shoot you... people can say whatever they want, that dont change the facts that this is mainly a deathmatch at the moment...


I've been playing "mainly a deathmatch" for 32 days straight, 4+ hours a day traveling the map, collecting vehicles, and looting towns. I've died once and killed 5 players.

I must be REALLY bad at deathmatch.

Or, you're completely full of shit.

Which is it?

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op is right though' date=' 9 times out of 10 when you meet someone in dayz, they will shoot you... people can say whatever they want, that dont change the facts that this is mainly a deathmatch at the moment...


I've been playing "mainly a deathmatch" for 32 days straight, 4+ hours a day traveling the map, collecting vehicles, and looting towns. I've died once and killed 5 players.

I must be REALLY bad at deathmatch.

Or, you're completely full of shit.

Which is it?

playing on your own server doesnt count though...

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This game is a thin layer over a tactical combat simulator. With the added bonus that persistence allows an organized team to multiply their advantages, and victims to feel a deeper sense of loss when they are sent back to the coast without any gear and face hurdles to re-gearing. Plus some of those guys try to play as "pacifists" in the middle of a war-game making them easier targets.

In time it might be a zombie game, but it really isn't at the moment.

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playing on your own server doesnt count though...

I play on US 39. It's actually run by a very large, organized clan that I am not a member of. Very risky stuff.

I just play smart. Try it some time.

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