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Enough with the Wire Fence trolling already!

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Lately it seems people have becoming obsessed with putting down wire fences in the most obnoxious places, like blocking off churches completely, or putting it at the bottom of the deer stand ladders (protip: even if you get up, don't climb back down, it will bug out and kill you instantly). Yeah I can acknowledge that wire fences may have their uses, and that they may legitimately add something to the game, but when people keep piling that shit up inside buildings it becomes pretty much impossible to move around!

Several times now I've accidentally pulled several Z's and have my attempts to lose them in buildings thwarted by copious amounts of wire fencing inside, leaving me trapped between a rock and a hard place, figuratively.

Also inb4 "get a toolkit", most of the time they put it up in such a way that you won't even get the option to take it down.

Possible fixes? Lower spawnrate on the fencing kit, limited quantity of fences (or lower quantity, if there already is a set amount), restrictions on placement (might not be doable due to it being part of ArmA?), possibly not requiring a toolkit to take it down, or maybe being able to use a hatchet/hunting knife to remove it?

tl;dr: wire fences are cool and all, but don't overdo it, please. IMO it's breaking part of the game.

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I say make it so you can take it down by just looking any anywhere on the it not just the posts, also requires a toolkit to put up.

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I'd be completely ok with wire fences if they would work as intended. Instead, they're glitchy as hell and lead to graphic bugs etc.

They should be removed until they get fixed imo.

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I concur the problem with the wire is it takes up 1 slot in your inventory so do tank traps, this is pure madness not only that the availability of it is just to high, it's pretty much everywhere and so easy to stock up on and run around placing it where ever you want just to basically grief people rather then set up a defensive position.

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I think these fences need to have a collision check (like tents) so they can't be placed in tight areas like doorways. Then they can be used to slow you down / funnel you but not completely block off doorways / ladders.

Also make them easier to target for removal.

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My suggestion was have them disappear when whoever put them up logs off.


Yah this would help a lot. Cherno on the server i play on is completely wired for all the good loot spots lol.

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My suggestion was have them disappear when whoever put them up logs off.


Then that would be pointless if you had say set it up to protect your camp, make it scarce and also allow it to be repacked by the player unless he dies just as the tents also isn't there an introduction of wire cutters to deal with this in a upcoming patch?

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I think it should be a combination of 2 items + toolbox to put one up.


To put up wire fence you need posts and barbed wire as well as a toolbox. Posts and barbed wire are consumed when used. Posts take up 2 slots and barbed wire 1.

Seems to me that people just go to the nearest random doorway to put these down once they get them. I think having to carry around posts till you find barbed wire would maybe lessen this.

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I hear ya buddy, I seen a couple of servers where elektro's fire station were just packed with shit just so other people would be stuck outside

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