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Question about zombies since this past week (main area spawning)

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yes i know there are hundreds of threads about zombies since the .42 patch, i just have a simple question about them since this past week

i know the spawning and such has been altered, which is not a problem for anyone with a brain, but since this past maintenance on the 26th, they spawn endlessly and continuously in main towns without doing anything to aggroe them (shooting and such), let me give you an example, i was at chapaevsk, just running around by self, keep in mind i had not fired a single shot on this server, i see one spawn and start to aggroe on me, and within seconds there are 4 -5 in a pack chasing me, again keep in mind, i had still not done anything at all, just kept running. now i know im going to get the obvious troll responses , but im sure other people notice this too,again, its not really a problem as you can still evade them as always, its just they come insanely fast without noise, which makes me think their spawn mechanic is bugged as of this week, it was not nearly this much of an issue when the patch first hit.

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This was a big issue in the mod when they were messing with zombie mechanics. My guess is the dev team is trying to find the right balances of respawn and aggro. I had died from zombies spawning right in front of me (literally) in the mod days, and its happening now too. I go and punch one, and three or four spawn or run from across a town.

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Wide open areas are bad like that, I've been playing around with them in Svetlo, seeing how many would aggro if I shot vs axe'd etc. Funnily enough, shooting one that chased me into a building didn't spawn any, but when I got off the streets and axed one in an open area, boom three on me. I think it's mostly a domino effect, one aggroing will cause another nearby to aggro, or something like that.

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