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Been away from the game for a while, how is it shaping up now?

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Before anyone screams "ALPHA"!!! I know it is ;)


I thought I would dust off my tanks and go play World of Tanks for a few months and come back and see what's what with the patch releases.


In short, how are things shaping up now?



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game is at full release now, you missed everything!

so much shit happened.


there was a glitch where zombies rode bikes.


now we have fighter jets and can parachute




its about the same id say. Essentially:


-better fps (this is most noteable)

-more guns

-more zombies/more dangerous zombies


Am i missing anything?



watch that recent rezzed video from today that rocket did...really great info.


but there is a lot coming to experimental servers soon, so try those out

-persistent storage and such.

Edited by deebz1234
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Play it and find out man. If you are too lazy to play a video game, even god can't help you bro.

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Its the same old game but faster zom zoms and a few new pew pewer's

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  • You can now "Eat All", rather than rice or concensed milk taking literally days to eat you can be done start healing and move on.

Zombies are now way more common, way more aggressive, and respawn a lot. When they hit you're very likely to bleed, which is also a change - you can't take them for granted as much. But they're just as easy to kill with any ax and you can still easily outrun them at full sprint.

I find a lot less randomly naked players running around the beach not knowing what to do, there's a little less opportunity for random silliness because of that.

Some new weapons have shown up - but some I've come across I haven't tried, such as the pitch fork or hoe, nor any of the new guns. For some reason I always find SKS in the places I usually find safest to go.

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