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this mod SUCKS BALLS without any RL friends to play with

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the only way really is practice, but also running up the eastern shore to more nothern town helps, theres less people up there

guides can just give you advice

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another whining thread ;) only kidding mate, but ...

... if you are informed, you know, that this is a meta-game with PvP and this is very very challenging. You had something like that in STALKER, but this is more difficult here. Remember that, it´s no CoD, BF3 or CS.

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Whats the deal with scavenge cities? I mean even without weapon! If u prone u can almost crawl between Zombies legs without attracting them! I dont like the no gun spawn either, but its not the big of a deal to find a hatchet or a crowbar!

So u have to crawl ur way through cities till u find a weapon!

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the only way really is practice' date=' but also running up the eastern shore to more nothern town helps, theres less people up there

guides can just give you advice


what guide? practice like what? how to determine direction without compass? how am i gonna run up there? i dont have enough liquid to keep myself hydrated, please elaborate.

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Get some friends? Makes the game 20x better.

no' date=' i would not recommend them to buy this.


When I spawn I just head inland and ignore the costal area.

inland where? waht for? why? how do you manage to get hydrated along the way? how would you get rid of sonic zombies that are chasing you behind?

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how to determine direction without compass?

First' date=' get an online map (http://dayzdb.com/map is a good one). Then:

1) Navigate by landmarks. Follow the roads (but not on the road itself), power lines, and hillsides.

2) During the day, use the sun. It's in the east in the morning, the south at noon, and the west during the afternoon. Shadows always point away from it. Servers usually state their timezone in the description.

3) During the night, you have the stars. Find the north star and orient yourself.

4) As a last resort, I'm told the clouds always move east.

how am i gonna run up there?

Pressing W works for me.

i dont have enough liquid to keep myself hydrated, please elaborate.

Sodas are plentiful in barns and sheds along the way. In those, you can also find a refillable water bottle. Then you just need a pond.

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Go online find some friends join their clan play with them?

I play on my own all the time, it's more fun in someways than playing with others. That said I team up with my buddies all the time.

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I laughed so hard at the "How do i get up there" and response "I press W". Nicely played

Anyhow, on a more serious note. I died of thirst last night. Yes, its hard. You should download a map first. Then when you spawn try and figure out where you are. You want to make it REALLY easy? Go ahead and play a regular Arma2 mission in multiplayer in Cherno. I usually go into Warfare, BE. I get a truck, drive the coast and look around. My theory on why this is not cheating is that IF i were a survivor I'd have some basic idea of roughly where I am. I follow roads (but not on the roads) and when i see zeds.... i wait. I watch. I look for an opening. I crawl slowly to the places then loot. After looting i crawl OUT. If something is in a building (looks like 40% cance in most places) I simply move on by or throw a can on the road to drive them out.

YES, it takes time and patience, but I have found that it actually gets easier once you sort out your raiding ability and trying to NOT meet the zeds...

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I head inland because I've seen enough videos showing the coastal area to be prime killing zone. Inland there are barns, deerstands and Small villages.

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I head inland because I've seen enough videos showing the coastal area to be prime killing zone. Inland there are barns' date=' deerstands and Small villages.


And also supermarkets. Where i found a 16slot bag and filled it with food and soda (yes there was that much food in the supermarket :X)

i always have more success when i go straight north from the coast without even bothering checking the villages near the cost for loot. Hint: Villages at the cost are checked by most people who spawn for loot, so you probably wont find anything there.

If you start more East you usually will find a barn with a weapon and some food/drinks quickly and if you spawn more west, lucky you, there is a good area with supermarkets/churches/barns... i had my best live when i spawned west and went north. (Just don't go near the NW-Airfield you will probably die in a firefight if you are alone)

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another whining thread ;) only kidding mate' date=' but ...

... if you are informed, you know, that this is a meta-game


Don't use terms you hear around without first looking them up.

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the only way really is practice' date=' but also running up the eastern shore to more nothern town helps, theres less people up there

guides can just give you advice


what guide? practice like what? how to determine direction without compass? how am i gonna run up there? i dont have enough liquid to keep myself hydrated, please elaborate.

I've only managed to find a compas + map on one of my lives so far, yet with a simple online map I can very easily navigate my way around the map. Find any landmark (road, town, lighthouse etc) and start from there. Just make sure you don't spin in circles while in a forest or you might get lost for a while.

Got this game a couple of days ago and really...the basics are pretty simple. Learning to stalk and evade/kill other players though is a skill that will take a few more days to learn though.

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There are a couple of good Let's Plays on youtube that are being done solo. I played solo for the first couple of weeks that I played the game and thought it was fun. I do wish that you had the ability to use a blood pack without help, but other than that it's a fun time with or without friends.

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I played solo for 3 days.. until i approached a group with the direct communication chat. now i play with them everytime i go on dayz we have a couple cars and mad tents full of loot. we all stopped playing cause we don't have anything to do.

Things we have

-AS50 x1

-MK48 x1

-FAL x4


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