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BiGoDeViN (DayZ)

Bambi Justice

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Alright, it's story time!


So, me and my crew were in Elektro. Decked out. We had a few firefights and went down swinging. It was a good time. We respawned and our third member bailed on us. So it was just me and my friend, Steve. We ended up at the same spawn, in Svetlojarsk. Steve wanted to commit suicide for a more southern spawn but I talked him out of it. We were already together and might as well loot Svetlo and hit up NEAF. So, we head off.


We start looting. Nothing good. The Server was high pop and pretty picked clean. I managed a Pipe wrench and a sweet black beanie. Steve had his Fresh Spawn clothing, a hard hat and an empty chest holster. We could barely survive against the Zeds. He had to get off soon so I suggested we hit up NEAF as soon as possible. We left the town and no sooner we left we got shot at.


The place was pretty quiet and it was out of no where. Steve takes a round and starts bleeding. We start zig-zaging trying to find our assailant and during this I tell Steve "Fuck it, man, let's just let him kill us." Steve was pretty pissed. "Fuck that shit, let's find his ass!"


So after we zig-zagged for a bit, Steve spots the kid. Fuckin' decked out. Clean M4, UK Vest, the works. He's mic spamming taunts and is running around this guy. He's shooting his M4 like he's being attacked by a fireaxe squad. Spamming that shit. He starts his reload animation while Steve is running all around. I come up behind him and pull out my wrench. I get 3 clean hits on his ass. Drops him. Steve keeps running because no sooner our first attacker is down, his buddy comes running in with a 1911, firing rounds as haphazardly as his now KO'd partner.


I pull the M4 off his body while Steve keeps him distracted. I wasn't thinking and went back into his pack for a mag. I forgot he already had one locked in. I pull out in time to shoot this kid. He drops me and I KO him. Steve has enough time before passing out from blood loss to pull my M4 and finish them both off. All while mic-spamming insults. I respawn outside of Berezino Factory and head my way up. I couldn't find anything to bring Steve back so he just logs out and logs back in. Which killed him because he was passed out.

While looting the bodies, I was pretty confused.


These guys were really decked out. Tons of food, tons of ammo. Looked like they'd been alive for quite some time. They just opened fire on two Fresh Spawns and then got killed by them. I've never known that shit to happen to me when I had half their gear. So I'm not sure why they were such horrible shots.


Anyway, it was definitely the most intense moment I've had in DayZ in a LONG ass time. I wish I had recorded it but I do have some screenshots of the aftermath.


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  On 3/28/2014 at 7:23 AM, blindwuzi said:

Sounds like a typical day in DayZ for me.


First time I ever did anything like this. I never try and fuck with geared players as a freshie. I either stay away, let them kill me, or do what they tell me. But these guys shot first and I got the chance to fight back.

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They were just consolescrubs, so they cant handle mouse and keyboard. Too complicated consept for them. Aim assist needed for them

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  On 3/28/2014 at 9:11 AM, Finnish sniper said:

They were just consolescrubs, so they cant handle mouse and keyboard. Too complicated consept for them. Aim assist needed for them

this is why some people headshot you at 300m with a revolver and some people spray whole m4 mags at 50m and hit nothing but air

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  On 3/28/2014 at 8:26 AM, Trigger Hippy said:

Good read.


ps That's an interesting was to spell 'camouflaged' in your sig :D


Haha, I never noticed the misspelling.


  On 3/28/2014 at 9:11 AM, Finnish sniper said:

They were just consolescrubs, so they cant handle mouse and keyboard. Too complicated consept for them. Aim assist needed for them


I guess that explains it. I figured they were 12 year old script kiddies and just spawned in the gear or something.

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Had a similar encounter with some guys who were horrible shots.

Spawned in at the town near NEAF (didn't know there was a spawn point there now)

And went to NEAF, only about 10 people on so fancy a chance at a gun at least

See movement in the top of the camo building, think "fuck it, may as well see if they are friendly" as im a new spawn only with a cowboy hat I found on the way

I get close, shots fired from a M4, guy is in the bushes outside the door spamming at about 20m, I hide behind the guard shack, he keeps firing until hes out,

Im gonna head and punch him then two guys from the windows start shooting at me, I zig zag away from them and all 3 are firing at me, two mosins and an M4

I get back to the hangers without taking a hit and decide to go talk to them

I manage to get back to the camo building, right below them and see the M4 guy hiding behind a bush and trying to prone his way toward me (PRO TIP, DONT LEAVE THE GUY WITH THE ORANGE BACKPACK AS A WATCHER OUTSIDE"

I say

"Guys come on, the ammo you just used is worth more than my life"

"A lot of swearing back from a 12 year old which includes, faggot noob, we gonna rape you, ect ect"

So I run around some more, on the airfield, takes them a while to realise im just hoping they will waste all their ammo.

I head back a few minutes after they stopped shooting.......yeah they logged

Then I see another guy coming down from the hills with an M4, I lose connection and log in dead.

So someone got me.

I counted the shots after the first volley, I was looking at 3 M4 mags and about 20-25 mosin rounds

They were really moving slowly and aiming slow so they probably had crappy computers but still was great fun

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