drewsta 74 Posted March 28, 2014 A lot of people are quick to judge on these forums. So many opinions on different subjects and I believe that can be good for the continued interest and hype. I notice so many posters seem to know how this game is going to fail and that it won't or will no longer amount to a great game. I also remember post after post in the earlier days of how dayz will struggle to make alpha and if it does no one will buy it because Dean has missed his window of opportunity. Not to sound too much like a prick but how many sales were made in the first 2 weeks of the alpha release? The point is I think that some peoples expectations are too high too early and will constantly be disappointed as Dayz progresses. If you are one of them you really need to adjust your expectations a little and grow with the game as it is developed.The lack of disregard for the early access warning before you enter is incredible. It wouldn't matter if they had 4 follow up buttons to click "are you sure", "you really are ok with this" "your positive you understand" etc, people would still just spam the buttons to get in and then find something to complain about. The posts I'm referring to are the ones where people are simply rage complaining about the problems and not contributing anything except filling in a white forum box with rubbish. Disclaimer : The game is in Alpha and WILL be for some time.This could be another 12 months in Alpha. Will you still be around? Disclaimer: This means you WILL experience bugs and unfinished features such as Hacking protection because it's a work in progress and they haven't figured it out yet or are working hard to do so before the final release. Disclaimer: Problematic design decisions and MANY more things that DISRUPT your game experience. These things can certainly cause you to die, fall victim to something unfair etc or randomly make you angry. Disclaimer: The Devs are actively working with you to fix the problems arising. This takes time and announcing problems as they are found is great feedback and the wider community can help bring it to the devs attention quicker this way, hence why they released a really horrible buggy platform to you called "The Alpha". This response can join a long list of responses just like it but it's clear that some people need this broken down in plain English because that "I understand button" to them is a not a message, rather a simple click point to enter the game. So after understanding what the alpha message is promoting I am dumbfounded at the fist shaking and continuous mocking of this game in development. " Massive failure on the devs part" ," they have done nothing", "this game will fail", "biggest buggy piece of crap I have ever seen"....the list goes on. I say to those people, have your tantrum and angry spill just because the game is not where YOU want it to be right now, that is your right. Make no mistake, that is all you are doing and while you may feel slightly better about telling the world how disappointed you are, you could just scream into a pillow rather than waste space on these forums. Search the net for another "Finished" game title that really jumps out at you and become engrossed in that until the Dayz beta release. Perhaps this point may remain mute for many. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DURRHUNTER 597 Posted March 28, 2014 Well, That Escalated Quickly. You are hitting on some very good points but the thing isthis is pretty much a rage post against ragers.thanks for your concern though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drewsta 74 Posted March 28, 2014 Well, That Escalated Quickly. You are hitting on some very good points but the thing isthis is pretty much a rage post against ragers.thanks for your concern though.You are correct no argument here and while my post does also take up space on the forums It's not a continuous rage against the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SomeCallMeNomad (DayZ) 89 Posted March 28, 2014 THANK YOU Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DURRHUNTER 597 Posted March 28, 2014 THANK YOUTHATS VERY CONSTRUCTIVE come on broseph post some bigger stufff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted March 28, 2014 There can many many way to point out everything that goes on here and at Reddit but most simply hate it when you say Alpha. It is what it is and what it is ...is Alpha. The devs could not possibly have made this any clearer than they did even before the game SA available. They even said that the Alpha version was not for most people. Many just refuse to read and take that in. “Rocket”, responded to a fairly simple query – “Is it worth buying DayZ standalone yet or should I wait for it to mature so it’s less buggy and more playable?” – with an intriguing reply.“For the current game? No,” “For the price? No … to see the game? No (you can watch streams)to participate in development? Possibly. Overall, I would not recommend it. Unfortunately many do not understand this and hate having Alpha shoved in there face. At this stage everything can be shoved under the carpet under that word. Alpha. Once it moves to Beta, then the shit storm can get real. Atm though..Alpha. It really is an Alpha I really can't emphasize enough - this is going to be an early access project on steam. It's a true-blue alpha. Massive areas of the engine were entirely reworked, involving a large team of people over the last 12 months. Much of what these achievements will enable won't be seen for many months - so I really plead for anyone who is on the fence to take a skeptical approach - watch streams, read reviews, watch some let's play and form your opinion. You could always come back to the game in three, six months time and buy it then. Buying early will be a recipe for disappointment, it's a chance for those who want to be part of that whole process. For them, the process is as much as part of the game as the whole experience. For many, this is the opposite of what they want. To enable a smooth launch, we really are targeting it at a core audience who want to get deeply involved in a very barebones experience that is a platform for future development. So who is to blame, the devs whom have clearly stated all along it is going to be a painful and broken gaming process, or the people who cannot absorb this ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Window Licker 504 Posted March 28, 2014 I fail to see how that was a rage post at all, OP is simply echoing the thoughts of myself and likely a good portion of the people who play. The warning's that we go through every time we play are there to remind people that there will be severe and game breaking issues in this game as they are still early in the process of making the core mechanics and features. Its disappointing to come here as often as I do and find the forums full of threads that are repeats of the one below and add nothing constructive game development, there is more a stream of people who bought an alpha, not a beta, not a release candidate and not a finished title that simply seem to be unaware of what they purchased.. They are somehow deluded enough to think that games are made by magic and unicorns and dean just can't be arsed to buy a unicorn to make the finished product next week. Mostly because there seems to be a belief that he's too busy drinking heroic amounts of booze and driving around in Lambo's cos he's rich. and everything that Hetstaine pointed out while I was writing this.... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nexventor 429 Posted March 28, 2014 "You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can never please all of the people all of the time.”People think they get to demand certain aspects to a game cause they forked over some money. Everything that comes from the community is "suggestions" and the quickest way to get your suggestion ignored or discredited is to act like a child when delivering it. Constructive criticism should be and is encourage but don't act like everyone of your demands should be met within the time frame you demand. The dev's owe you a working game and it is already that. No game I have ever played is perfect and I have been gaming for 30+ years. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drewsta 74 Posted March 28, 2014 tl;dr Alpha?The quote at the bottom of your post is a valid point I was making. The Devs asked for a little money from individuals who would like to participate in a development which may take some time to come to reality. They didn't ask for unreasonable amounts for a finished product. So that being said "it being in Alpha" is every excuse for "stuff ups", bugs, lags, desync, hackers, broken gear, poor loot decisions etc. I don't think I'm being a white knight personally, I just go on clearly what is fact and told upfront. If you paid $60 plus for a beta product that resembled this state, I'd clearly understand the criticism. I just think there is a clear difference between, " anyone noticed this wrong or that's broken?", "I have an idea for the Devs, could we look at doing this before this or change that for something else perhaps, "I have concerns about the time it's taking to achieve certain goals in the alpha. and... "FFS what the F*@%* are the Devs doing", " I can't even play this laggy piece of s#@!% ", "Why the hell do we have this loot it's a waste" "god this game is such a failure , where the F@#!@ are all the vehicles?" " they just brought out a patch and it's worse than the old one, the devs are not focused on this project anymore" My original post was to perhaps spark some thought and a reminder about what the player is involved in when clicking that button before screaming blue murder at the forums. Not being able to enjoy the features of the game because it's still in development and keeps breaking can be frustrating as hell, but we have no choice except no longer participate and jump back in at beta time. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted March 28, 2014 I will just give this one more illegal punt to the top..because there is so many topics on the front page that still have no understanding of what is going on in the SA that it really is making me start to lose faith in at least half of the posters here. *sighs* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monkfish (DayZ) 339 Posted April 2, 2014 Everything that comes from the community is "suggestions" and the quickest way to get your suggestion ignored or discredited is to act like a child when delivering it.Apart from the whinging, hyperbole, rhetoric, poorly constructed arguments and assumptions, and just a general lack of levelheadedness and common sense. ;) You're absolutely bang on about the quickest way to get a suggestion ignored though. There's nothing worse than a poorly written and shit suggestion from a child that can't think in more than one direction at a time having a proper teddy-out-of-pram moment because people aren't falling over themselves to back the 'amazing' idea they've had. Although it is amusing to thoroughly deconstruct their arguments and watch them flounder about trying to respond. :D The Internet: A platform for geniuses and a sounding board for idiots. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted April 2, 2014 Sadly, this thread could be stickied with the rest of the other stickied thread and it still wouldn't get through to the simpletons. Hell, they could even have a pop up after you hit the "New Topic" button that states that this game is in early access alpha and it still wouldn't get through. I personally think it's time for the mods to clamp down and clean this forum up and get rid of all the hate, non-constructive, whining, bitching, childish rant posts that appear on this forum on a daily basis. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted April 2, 2014 I will just give this one more illegal punt to the top..because there is so many topics on the front page that still have no understanding of what is going on in the SA that it really is making me start to lose faith in at least half of the posters here. *sighs*Dont bump more than once a day please. L 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites