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Low FPS after updates ?

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When the game was first released I was getting around a good 60 - 80 fps outside of big citys and in cherno and elecktro around 40 - 50 after a bunch of updates the fps has dropped a fair bit I've done quite a few things to try make it run a little better with the nvidia control panel with a slight increase.


heres specs if that helps at all


i7 4960X 3.6 ghz ( should I overclock heard that may help ? )

GTX Titan black 

Asus rampage IV black

32gb kingston ram

corsair AX1200i

corsair h110 

samsung 250gb evo ssd

4tb wd

corsair 750d

win 7 ult 


After many updates in citys I get about between 25 - 35 but with a real struggle to hit 30 sometimes especially in cherno I've tried a bunch of things to try help the performance but with no real change. If I overclocked my cpu would that have massive effect on the games performance or not. I know it's still in alpha but any help would be much appreciated

Edited by MrGovernor

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Same thing with me.


In the beginning, 6-8 weeks ago I had decent performance and the game looked great now its slow with worse image quality. 


I've done a lot of tweaking but to no avail, it still looks and perform much worse than it did a month ago.


GTX 770   ( Driver 37.50)

i5 3.3 @ 4.7

Game on SSD

16GB ram

Win7 64

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