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Confusion setting up DayZ SA server

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Set up a server with hfbservers thinking I would be good to go (I play standalone only).

I'm new at this and have never purchased server hosting. The email I got from them today stated I needed to download a map pack, that was it, but upon further inspection it appears as though the server is set up for the MOD (ver 1.62...). Unless I'm missing something?


Any help would be appreciated, I have submitted a trouble ticket but if there is any way I can take care of this without waiting for their support team I would appreciate. 

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If they've set up a Mod server instead of a Standalone then you need to check that you correctly ordered a Standalone server and you'll have to wait for the support ticket to be answered. Most good GSP's will answer you in a couple of hours.

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You accidently bought a server for DayZ mod.

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