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Hi, im new and have a few questions

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How do I play this game? lol...


I mean, Do I have to have Arma? or do I just buy and DL the game? I watched a few videos of some guy Frankie on youtube and it looked like a lot of fun, is this the same thing? I got confused because when i googled i got 



and then 



are they the same or different?

Edited by Shaeg
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For the DayZmod.com one you need to buy Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead and is the older incarnation of the game. The dayzgame.com one is the newest and standalone version of DayZ and you don't need another program to run it.

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http://forums.dayzgame.com/ is the website you are currently on now. There is a forum section for the mod (where you have posted), and a forum section for the standalone (if you go back to the forums' homepage and scroll up, you will see the designated forums). The mod requires ARMA II and ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead, whereas the standalone (called DayZ on Steam) is as its unofficial name, DayZ Standalone, suggests.


If you decide to buy the Standalone/DayZ, please be prepared to encounter many bugs and issues as the game is still being developed. 

Edited by Inception.
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Hi Shaeg, welcome to DayZ.  Have we answered your questions sufficiently?  If you have any further questions, feel free to ask, and I'll try to help. :thumbsup:

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Welcome. Some things to take into consideration before purchasing anything:


1) DayZ mod is almost dead. There is one patch on hold since December, and even if this gets released sometime it will be the last patch ever as r4z0r (dayz mod dev) stated. There are however some community mods of DayZ mod like Epoch, Origins which may have a longer lifespan. Note, some of these mods also have additions like buldings, base crafting, more weapons, more vehicles, different zombies. In a few words, more stuff than SA, some persistent bugs, not much of a future.


2) DayZ Standalone is in alpha stage, gets patched all the time, characters get wiped sometimes, doesn't have vehicles, it has a few weapons, very few zombies (if any, don't know the current status, look it up yourself) and lots of bugs. In a few words, less stuff than the mod for the time, more details (much more enterable buildings, character customization, clothes, crafting, etc), new stuff get added/fixed all the time, but it's still far from being a game, it's more of a testing ground.


So, if you want to play right now a game with zombies and some bugs that will never get fixed, and will never get new stuff added (except for the 1.8.1 patch), go for the mod. Meaning you'll have to buy Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead. Or you can buy them in a bundle as Arma: Combined Operations. If you want to experience bleeding edge stuff, help with testing, don't mind character wipes, and have patience to go through alpha > beta > stable (in a period of years) go for the SA.


Just my 2c.

Edited by h3l1x

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I don't agree that DayZ mod is "almost dead".  That just means he doesn't play it.  I play every day and it's not dead to me.


It's worth getting if you like the look of it.  I'd say it can be a bit tricky to download and get right but we will help you. :thumbsup:   Think about the cost though.  Games can be pricey.  Wait until there's a bit steam sale.

Edited by Sula

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I could be playing Super Mario 1 every day on an emulator. That doesn't mean it's not a dead game. Obviously there is a playerbase. But it is a dead game since it is adandoned by Dean Hall. The present bugs will always be there, no more patches/fixes, no additions, nada. It is a dead project.


And I said "almost dead" and not dead exactly because there are still people playing it. But without updates/patches and with SA getting patched on a daily basis, how long do you think it will take for all those people to get bored of it and move on to other games?

Edited by h3l1x

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