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'Eat All' Option glitched?

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It seems to me that the 'Eat All' option for canned foods isn't working properly since the hotfix.


I used 'Eat All' on a bag of rice, and it put me straight into the second level of energized, so that's working. But on a second character, while in the first stage of normal hunger, using 'Eat All' on two whole cans of beans did very little, and I stayed hungry. Repeating this on the same character later (but eating 25% at a time) it took roughly 1 and 3/4 cans of beans to get from the second stage of hunger back to normal again.


I have a feeling that the 'Eat All' option (for cans of beans, sardines, bacon etc, at least) is only actually eating 25%, but still consuming the whole item

can anyone else confirm this? I have no solid evidence to support this, but the above ^ has been repeated several times with the same results, although it -may- just be a placebo affect on my part

Edited by TheWalrusNet

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Its fine. Your energy meter can deplete lower and thus it takes more food to fill, while the status symbol stays the same if you are within the threshold programmed for it.


But if you want to Science it, try eating them one bite at a time.. and see if that makes a big difference. 

Edited by lrish

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I just used it on my foot long tuna sub, on honey oat wheat, pickle, black olives, and a large lemonade, and I'm stuffed.

Seems to be working fine......now to see if pooping is working or not.....

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Relatively, it just seems that eating bit by bit has a greater affect on prolonging the energized state/lessening the hunger state than eating all at the moment. like i said, eating it 25% at a time, i used far less food to get more fed than when i was eating each can in its entirety

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I've not noticed this problem. Works fine for me so far..

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You are comparing a large bag of rice to two, comparatively small, cans of beans which aren't necessarily more nutritious. Not the same mate, not the same.

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Update: pooping still not implemented, I will seek tech support......


Is it glitched again?  It was certainly working when I found the Blair witch circle earlier...

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