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[POLL request] About zombies feedback

Polls about Zombies Feedback !  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you want Zombies in Dayz ?

    • Like after the HOTFIX : More infected, faster, harder and stronger but you can loose them after a certain distance
    • Like before the HOTFIX : Somnolent and less zombies, but can run on you through the whole map,
  2. 2. Respawn zombies or not ?

  3. 3. Do you want zombie hordes (10-100) to make some areas more difficult to go ?

    • Yes, it makes games more realistic !
    • No, i m gonna run under my bed if they are !
    • I don't care

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This poll is intended to devs so they could know what's player feelings about the new zombies system.


Thanks all for your answers.

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zombies need to be respawning, or realistically many of them not respawning (like 500 in cherno or Berezino, about 5000-6000 on the whole map)


they of course need to be faster than a sprinting human, or else they won't pose any threat whatsoever (see dayZ Mod, zombies were a joke)


right now they are ok-ish, dangerous to idiots, and easy to kill for people who know how to handle them

maybe they need to have more hp though, a firefighter-axe right now makes zombies way to easy

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I like more zombies.  People who just want to pvp seem to dislike it because they get in the way. 


HOWEVER!  This stops the killing of newspawns alot in a city.  Who wants to deal with 6-7 zombies and completely giving away your position for killing a newspawn? 

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Thanks for your answers.


Agree with Zombo and ramsfan00, it s a zombie game ! The zombies are supposed to be threat and like ramfan says well : this contributes for coop and decrease, i think the KOS, unfair PVP, and newspans kills.


I am for the respawn but not too close of players.


So we need to wait to see how game will evolve, but i don't want a step back from devs from what the game is now.


(sorry for my English lol not my mother tongue)



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I just put yes/no on the respawn thing. Think it feels abit too random atm, which I'm sure is the only way to implement zombie spawns at this point of the game. If they work on it untill it became something like; more zombie spawns after reset, and then spawn zombie(s) from dead player. Or atleast not 1 and 1, which force you to deal with them in the middle of gunfights over and over again. If they are going to respawn, I think it would be better if they spawn in group, and not 2 seconds after the last one was killed, giving some time for the pvp element.


EDIT: feel like I should clarify that this is simply how I feel about the subject, bad idea or not. :)

Edited by problembarn

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This poll is intended to devs so they could know what's player feelings about the new zombies system.


Thanks all for your answers.



Well, there is an official, pinned topic in this very section regarding feedback about Zombambles.



Edited by kichilron

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I know, but my topic is poll. More easy to compile feedback.


And a topic offers more depth. Use the designated topic please.

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