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AS50 turned into a DMR

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Date/Time: 2~pm Eastern, June 24

What happened: Not sure if this has been posted before. I was happily lugging my AS50 in my coyote backpack with 4x10 mags for it. Logged into US 64 at around 12am June 25 and my AS50 was a DMR

Where you were: NWAF

What you were doing: Logging in a few hours later. I was prone

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: US 64

*Your system specs:

i7 920

gtx 295

12gb ddr3

gigabyte ud5

*Timeline of events before/after error: before was around 2pm est, logged in at 12am june 25 and my as50 was transformed.

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This very thing happend to a friend of mine 4-5 days ago, but instead it was turned into a M4 SD..

He was also using the large coyote backpack (24 slot)

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Strange, I wish there were some testing we could do to try and help.

As for my personal issue, I guess I have to find another as50 :(

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Same thing happened to my M107 Barret

I had an FN FAL in my backpack, I put it down and replaced the FAL with a different weapon for my freind for when we were going to meet up, I logged out with my Barrett in my backpack, When I logged back in my Barrett had been replaced by an FN FAL

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Same thing,

Alice pack.

Bison transformed into a FN Fal. The bison magazine didn't change to FN Fal magazines though.


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Just one question, did you loot these from players? Or did you find them in their original spawn locations (such as crash sites)?

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Possibly someone swapped their primary weapon for the weapon in your backpack. There's a lot of people running around exploiting the invisible bug and they could have taken it without you even seeing them.

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My DMR and CZ550 turned into a pair of AK74s. I was displeased. Then I got over it :P

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Most probably someone taking all of your shit whilst on loading screen in debug forest. Or you might been the victim of a slight rollback as someone mentioned they got their old primary weapon back that they had swapped before.

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I've seen this scenario a few times, and I believe it's related to one of the two:

#1 The weapon was initially created by a script and somehow bugs out, we were 3 guys using scripted AS50's and suddenly they all turned into SVD's.

#2 Someone runs a script that replaces weapon X with weapon Y. Far stretched? Wutever,

Overall I think all the weapons I've seen that encountered this bug of just becoming a completely different weapon were originally created by a script and not a legit spawn, so my guess is that you looted them from players that didn't obtain them legitly.

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That makes sense, I hit a camp and killed a few guys, raided the tents and stole a bike.

Same server 10 minutes later the guns all turned into ak74s.

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At least you guys got relatively good guns when it changed.

I found an AS50 in a crashed heli the other day, and logged off about 5 minutes later after storing it in my alice backpack. The next day I logged back in, and the AS50 had changed into a revolver (something which I had never had on this character). I still had the AS50 ammo though.

Not only that, but before I had logged off my hunger sign was flashing quite a bit. Upon coming back in, it was a solid green.

I was on Seattle 53 when I found the AS50 and logged off, and on ANZ 3 (or maybe 4) when I logged back on.

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This has just happened to me.

L85 AWS swapped for a M4A3 CCO in an ALICE backpack after a restart.

I did hear rumors that this was because the L85 had been removed. However It apparently hasn't.

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For the majority, i say its a server - hive sync issue. You have a Winnie in your back pack. Find an akm. Drop the winnie and keep the AKM. You log off. Log back in. Winnie is back in the pack. No more akm.

One way to make sure you keep the gun is to keep it as primary.

This happened to me when I found a M107 and a m4 SD off a dead guy :P. Had a winnie. Put the m4 sd in my pack. Main gun M107. logged off because i was having the no debug menu bug. Log back in to fix it. My pack was back to it's original state before getting the M4. So i had my winnie back. Lame. Still kept the M107 tho :D

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