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Change the color of the distance fog. // Reddit Post

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I posted this on reddit some time ago, and i post it here again because you maybe didn't noticed it.


In ARMA 2 the distance fog that was shown when the render limit was hit, was white or gray. That is also in DayZ SA: http://imgur.com/CIcrtmq .ARMA 3 has a better way to handle this: http://imgur.com/yqE981L .Like the title says the suggestion itself is to change the distance fog in a more realistic color. Here is a RL picture: http://imgur.com/ZPtVL6Q .And here is a painted screenshot from me that shows what i mean: http://imgur.com/EytNiHk .


Reddit link: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/215ak9/suggestion_change_the_color_of_the_distance_fog/

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From the comparison between the SA screenshot and the painted screenshot, the problem I see here is that with the new system, the abrupt cutoff enforced by the strict render distance would be more visible. With the current system, it doesn't look the best, but it helps hide the limitations put in place in order to protect gameplay.

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Would be a nice thing but I suppose it would be a little bit too much work for not so big change.


If they could do it, I upvote the idea.

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Frankly I'd be happier with an adjustment to the rather aggressive texture culling in the stand alone.


In Arma2 you can see into a window from a considerable distance, with the standalone you're limited to circa 200M.


I'd also like to see the draw distance radically enlarged to Arma2 levels as well.

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