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mr pedersen

Zombies dont use stairs please fix. Zeds Enter buildings all levels.

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Just had a play session where a bunch of guys camping construction site building, killing all players they see.

On the ground level there where like 10 Zeds but they did not go up the stairs.


So what if all Zeds could enter all levels on a building so players could be hunted down by zeds on 2rd,3rd and 4rd floor too?


All zeds moment/path findning in buildings must me more advanced.

Maby even make them clib ladder, then u never safe ;)

Start with them practic up and down that stairs please.


Now players just move up on second floor in a buildning and they are safe and can start camping with rifle killing players with out even think a zombie might hear the gunfire and run up the stairs for som fresh Bandit nom nom meal.

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Zombies do occasionally use stairs but only if they have a straight line to you from the bottom, and even then they're more likely just to clip through the stairs and have a party beneath you.


At the minute it seems that stairs are as impassable to zombies as they are to Daleks. I just hope the zombies aren't given jetpacks.

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I just hope the zombies aren't given jetpacks.


I want to be a movie director now.

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im sure they get very simular to the left 4 dead zombies later.

they sprint like them already.;)


(hope we get that gore effects to :D)

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Its not only the stairs that should be fixed, it's the whole zombies system AI that should be changed.


Actually, IMO, sombies behaviors are just a little better than the ARMA mod. Ok they don't move in zig-zag and behave a little better, but omg there is still a lot of work. They go throught walls, they don't use stairs, they move weirdly when they want to hit you. When you fight against them (with a axe for example), combats are just laughtable we are sooo far from the realistic and immersive world that the inventory system and map gives you.


Actually, it's a reallistic survival FPS with benny hill like combats.

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