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Why are people calling zombies zeds?

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This is the most pointless discussion I've seen on this forum.

But anyway, Zed > Zee at any moment.

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Just about everyone calls the crouching zombies ether monkeys or hoppers. I usually call them C*&% S*^$*&^ M*$% F%^$@ because they always seem to be the ones who spot me.

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It shouldn't be DayZ anyway, because Rocket has said they aren't zombies but infected people. So it should be called DayI.

I like that, actually, since you die so frequently in this game you see the "Day One..." scroll on the screen a LOT!!

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As others have said, Zed is the callsign for the letter Z in Britain.

Here is a list of the NATO phonetic alphabet. In a non-military capacity, it's useful for communicating spelling over the phone. For instance, have you ever been on the phone with a customer service rep and they ask you to spell your last name? Well if you just spell it out by letter, several letters can sound the same: d, t, p. So to ensure spelling is accurate, you would say something like, "D as in Delta, A as in Alpha, N as in November." to spell Dan. Military would just say, "Delta, Alpha, November".

As it says at the bottom there exists anomalies/idiosyncracies. To distinguish “Z” from “C” on the phone, it is common practice to say “zed” (an old British phonetic) for “Z”, especially when saying a call sign. “Zed” is shorter (one syllable vs. two for “zulu”.) However, in formal traffic, the ITU (International Telecommunications Union): “ZULU” is more correct and proper.

The connection between Zed and Zombie was first made in Shaun of the Dead. It just stuck.

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Every english speaking country save for the U.S. pronounce the letter "Z" as "Zed" whereas people in the U.S. say "Zee".

Quite funny as the mods name in english speaking countries: Day "Zed"

And in the U.S.: Day "Zee" Which sounds like "Daisy"

Being from the states, it really makes for a funny conversation when you tell your friends you've been playing a game called "Daisy".

I'm just going to start saying "Zed", fuck you Ben Franklin.

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I honestly didn't think about it too much, Zed's just seemed to roll off the tongue and I've stuck with it ever since.

As for the individual Zed types, Walkers, Hoppers and Crawlers.

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