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So much more horror than the SA

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Ive played going on 200 hours in the SA, but it was my first steam game, so I never played any of the DayZ mods.  I bought the humble bundle with the ARMA 2/DayZ mod combo, but could never get the mod to work through steam. Last night I finally tried with DayZ Commander and it worked! 

I hopped onto a server called DayZ Hell or something like that and spawned near this giant walled in military type complex.  Zombies were everywhere, there was literally no direction I could go in that didnt have multiple zombies walking or crawling(DaFuk??!!?) about.  It was dark and I had no idea where I was, but I did spawn with a pistol, so I headed out, creeping like I was a child tiptoeing through my parents house on Christmas Eve trying to get a sneak peek at Santa/presents.


I made it well into the military complex without being seen, but suddenly from the distance I see someone sprinting. I think its another player, so I take aim and just wait to see what they do. His pattern is erratic, but a nonstop sprint as he closes in.  When hes maybe only a few meters away, I realize its a zombie and they can run.  ::Heart races, bladder struggles to maintain control::

I start firing, but then remember you need to head shot these bastards...sadly, Ive now rang the dinner bell and there must have been 20 or more zeds heading my way.  I start running, but Ive got no exit and decide Its time for a last stand.  I managed to get a few, only seeing their monstrous faces as each bullet fired lights them up, but alas I ran out of ammo and went down.

While the SA is way more polished looking, the mod sure did give me a fun fright.  I look forward to exploring it more.

Edited by GpB311

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You'll get over it soon, those zig-zaggin' zombies are a pain in the ass more than anything. They move as if they ate a couple of cans of tactical bacon each.

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This is really the difference between the SA and mod. The mod is complete, yet pretty freakin' old in the world of gaming. The SA is very new, yet incomplete. Once the SA has had the time put into it that the mod has by both devs and community, you'll see even crazier stuff in the SA I'm sure.

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You'll get over it soon, those zig-zaggin' zombies are a pain in the ass more than anything. They move as if they ate a couple of cans of tactical bacon each.

Haha, yea I figure itll wear off like the initial scare of the standalone, but it is refreshing to have that feeling again. 

This is really the difference between the SA and mod. The mod is complete, yet pretty freakin' old in the world of gaming. The SA is very new, yet incomplete. Once the SA has had the time put into it that the mod has by both devs and community, you'll see even crazier stuff in the SA I'm sure.

I def look forward to it. The SA has a great start and even greater potential, so I cant wait to see what it becomes once theres more of a variety of things to do basically and such.

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This is really the difference between the SA and mod. The mod is complete, yet pretty freakin' old in the world of gaming. The SA is very new, yet incomplete. Once the SA has had the time put into it that the mod has by both devs and community, you'll see even crazier stuff in the SA I'm sure.


I'd agree to a certain point. Mod is as completed as the community made it complete. I'm sure there's things that can't be implemented to the Arma 2 original engine which will be available with the modded engine. I haven't played all of the mods. Mainly because I like the original idea the most. Pure survival. And one of the things I'd love to see in the SA as soon as it's possible would be making houses "our own", like in State of Decay (haven't played it, but saw some gameplay videos). Just to be able to get some wooden planks and board up the place in order to sleep/heal/wait out the storm/try to make the last stand against bandits and stuff like that. Nothing permanent, just to be able to make a place safe to spend "the night".

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Yeah I enjoy things like that sometimes. But like Crimson said above, it's old. The way I look at DayZ mod now is torn up with mods, and just shredded. The one thing I like with SA is that there aren't a lot of hackers and that there isnt branched off mods, so everyone is all on the same game mode. I see it being a whole lot more clearer. But SA is still really early into Alpha and I'm sure they will find ways to make it more frightening, because for it to be in Alpha the game is absolutely amazing, and I cannot even wait for the Beta much less the finished product.

Edited by Zedertone

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The thing that sticks with me most was the way the muzzle flash lit up the zombies faces as they attacked me.  I havent gotten anything quite like that in the SA although Ive never been in quite the same situation either.

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I'd agree to a certain point. Mod is as completed as the community made it complete. I'm sure there's things that can't be implemented to the Arma 2 original engine which will be available with the modded engine. I haven't played all of the mods. Mainly because I like the original idea the most. Pure survival. And one of the things I'd love to see in the SA as soon as it's possible would be making houses "our own", like in State of Decay (haven't played it, but saw some gameplay videos). Just to be able to get some wooden planks and board up the place in order to sleep/heal/wait out the storm/try to make the last stand against bandits and stuff like that. Nothing permanent, just to be able to make a place safe to spend "the night".


short of digging through 6 months of text to actually quote where i read this, but as I understand it barricading is confirmed. they're also working on things that persist per server, which I know included notes on paper messages and I believe included barricades.

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