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NY14 Admin abuse or hacking

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We are not happy. Our group was at a newly made camp in a new stable server we found (ny14) and suddenly a dirtbike with 2 players came by. One jumped off to check our tent maybe not realizing there were people present until it was too late. He engaged one member and killed him when I proceeded to kill him with my recently acquired L85 I had. The guy on the dirtbike took off. The member he killed on his way returning to camp heard the dirtbike returning to our position as well. Once all our members regrouped at the camp we saw a group of 4 players approaching from the west flank. I engaged and killed the individual with the ghillie suit as he was the one I saw on the dirtbike originally. When I was then killed by another player. At which point the rest of the members of my group were either instakilled except one member who was just kicked out of the game. The one member who was only kicked rejoined and saw players around our tent, as well as the trees flattened as if a huge explosion went off. *we got nuked*. That member engaged a player who was then left there who alt f4'd. This is quite ridiculous... Can we please get something done about this abuse of the game.

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Happened to me as well. I really hope these are hackers and not admins taking advantage of their privelages.

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We are not happy. Our group was at a newly made camp in a new stable server we found (ny14) and suddenly a dirtbike with 2 players came by. One jumped off to check our tent maybe not realizing there were people present until it was too late. He engaged one member and killed him when I proceeded to kill him with my recently acquired L85 I had. The guy on the dirtbike took off. The member he killed on his way returning to camp heard the dirtbike returning to our position as well. Once all our members regrouped at the camp we saw a group of 4 players approaching from the west flank. I engaged and killed the individual with the ghillie suit as he was the one I saw on the dirtbike originally. When I was then killed by another player. At which point the rest of the members of my group were either instakilled except one member who was just kicked out of the game. The one member who was only kicked rejoined and saw players around our tent' date=' as well as the trees flattened as if a huge explosion went off. *we got nuked*. That member engaged a player who was then left there who alt f4'd. This is quite ridiculous... Can we please get something done about this abuse of the game.


The same thing happend to me as well except I was luckily not killed, but i was kicked from the server.

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Yes The same thing Happened to my Group on Ny14 we were at a New camp and it was we flew up in the air and insta-killed we all had decent gear such as m4s and such but you guys need to do somthing about this abuse Asap because your going to loose a loyal player ..not to mention Im sure Arma 2 wont like you letting hackers have control of servers .

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Happened to me as well. The whole area was leveled like a huge bomb went off. I flew in the air and died instantly. then got kicked.

Can we not trust the admins anymore...

I truely hope this is due to hackers and not admin abuse.

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After being killed during the first exchange with the people on the dirtbike I proceeded back to my groups camp. I was about 400 meters south west of the final altercation when I was spontaneously catapulted into the air and greeted with the "you are dead" screen. I remained at the "you are dead" screen for a short period and was then met by a dialogue box explaining that I had been kicked from the server.

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Why is it the admins?

We have the power to:





set max ping


I am an admin, and I don't hack. Stop labelling us as hackers.

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I said OR hacking.

as in a hacker

But an admin couldn't of possibly done it unless he was a hacker. So you could just put hacker and be done with it.

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Alright. I'm about to break this down for you guys..

My group was the group that assaulted your camp. I really don't know how to explain everything that happened because it turned into quite a gaggle.

My two buddies recently died and were heading to the NW Airfield when they ran across your tent. One dismounted from the bike and was ultimately killed. The one guy who stayed on the bike went back to pick him up from the coast. I was hanging out in vent at this time, heard the commotion, and decided to log in.

We all rallied near Zelengorsk and were heading to raid your camp when we saw one of your group sitting up on a hill top. The member of our group who saw you panicked, threw a grenade, and killed himself. I'm thinking he might've killed some of you too?

My friend in the ghillie was laying down near a tree directly in front of a couple of you guys, I was a little further back with an M14. I saw 2 of you guys near the trees and fired off about 8 rounds killing both of you. (Dude with the L85 + another) immediately after this the server crashed. We thought we were actually assaulting an admin camp ourselves.

I logged back in, was maneuvering around to your camp and got Battleye kicked again. I'm guessing this is when you shot me as when I logged back in I had an hour glass.

We regrouped at your camp, looted your weapons as your bodies were still laying around, and then headed back to Zelen to get the hell out of there.

We are not admins, but I'm thinking maybe by some strange coincidence our assault was timed with a hacker? We did throw a lot of grenades.

Thanks for the sweet loot though.

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yeh well unless you were throwing nukes theres no way for 7 of us to fly up in the air at the same time and be instantly dead Thanks for admiting you were the hackers that did it.

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I was the guy on the back of the dirt bike initially.. I had a ak kobra and killed 1 and i believe shot another of your team. Then i got 1 shot by the L85 and told my brother on the dirt bike to get out of dodge so he wouldn't get shot and lose the dirt bike. He picked me up at the coast, I went to OUR camp and picked up a lee enfield and a grenade... we were coming into your camp with 3 of us this time to assault you and i noticed a guy high on the hill.. i then saw a guy laying behind your tent and went to shoot him with the enfield but threw a grenade by accident and blew myself up and i believe him. then i respawned and got kicked from the server.

This was a crazy course of events, but I then ran back to your camp AGAIN and there was only 2 bodies there one with a gun and no ammo and one with an alice pack and the l85.. all the other corpses including mine and my brothers were gone.

I'm actually quite certain there was no hacking done and that all the explosins were legitimate grenades going off. The guy who got kicked (at which point we all got kicked too) could have picked up your stuff but you guys summed it up to being nuked.. I had been on this server and kicked multiple times throughout the day..

I could be wrong I guess, but If you guys still had a guy alive when he logged back in why didn't he loot your corpse for the l85? we were all dead at that point.

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Like I said, I was 400 meters behind the second shootout you guys had and I was catapulted into the air and was pronounced dead. I wasn't nearly close enough for your grenade to harm me.

Additionally, after I rejoined the server I asked another new survivor if they had gotten "nuked" as well and they did.

I may very well have been coincidence that our battle took place at this time bu the fact of the matter is there was definitely some hacking going on in that server. Multiple players were insta-killed and kicked.

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we HEARD you talking on the server chan when you were joining and were saying we believed we had gotten nuked because we all got kicked from the server... At this time we believed that the camp we were raiding belonged to ADMINS, and that they had shut the server down to avoid us getting their gear...

I was pretty far away from the main shootout when i blew myself up with a grenade and i was right behind a guy laying down near the tent... I'm not saying hacking def. didn't occur, but I can promise you it wasn't any of the 3 of us who were assaulting your camp.

I can't explain what happened to kick everyone off the server, but I can tell you that had been happening all throughout the day, and someone was moving vehicles pretty quickly upon server restart each time because I saw the server desync a lot after the reboots.. so that may very well have been admin abuse with bad timing.

However, like i said.. some of the corpses were still there from the shootout.

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Im so unbelievably sad you guys got my L85... I had only recently got it and getting used to it. And considering my group could have easily got it back for me as we greatly outnumbered you but they were all killed in extraordinary circumstances.... This makes this an incredibly depressing situation. I guess such is the way of Alpha mods. Enjoy the gun. :/

Off to find another heli crash I suppose.

This also means one of you admit to alt f4'ing to avoid dying as the one member who was not kicked or killed joined back in saw one of you looting the tent shot at them as the proceeded to dc...

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Manny wrote the original response to your post where he explained what happened to him. The thing I still can't wrap my head around is why didn't one of your guys who was still alive run over and grab your gun for you? I ran all the way back from the coast and picked that gun up.. I had no gear when I got up there.

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Happened to me as well. I really hope these are hackers and not admins taking advantage of their privelages.

Can we not trust the admins anymore...

I truely hope this is due to hackers and not admin abuse.

Admins can not drop bombs, spawn weapons/ vehicles, manipulate item spawns etc.

Stop bellyaching and deal with the fact you got smoked by some players and go find them and kill them to get your shit back.

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Manny wrote the original response to your post where he explained what happened to him. The thing I still can't wrap my head around is why didn't one of your guys who was still alive run over and grab your gun for you? I ran all the way back from the coast and picked that gun up.. I had no gear when I got up there.

If I would have realized one player was still alive at the moment of the incident I would have got him to relog immediately, however I thought everyone was dead for the first little while after until I heard him say he was still alive when he spawned in. Either way I'm over it, obviously something extremely fucked up happened at the time of our encounter, which ended up with us losing everything and you guys gaining completely. Congrats for the luck :/

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Manny wrote the original response to your post where he explained what happened to him. The thing I still can't wrap my head around is why didn't one of your guys who was still alive run over and grab your gun for you? I ran all the way back from the coast and picked that gun up.. I had no gear when I got up there.

I think one of our guys did log back in and go for our stuff but he got kicked again before he could.

And there really is a nuke in the game??? I thought that was just a term for a hack that killed the entire server.

Regardless, I didn't see any explosion or anything. I just flew up in the air and immediately went to the "you are dead" screen.

But yeah, if this freak death didn't happen I was about 400 meters and closing on your guy's south-west and was going to take you out the frame! I was actually really excited to flank you guys but then I died. It's disappointing but oh well.

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Oricy encountered a player at the tent when he logged back in and realized he was still alive. He proceeded to shoot the player as they then alt f4'd. He then looked around and only found our one members body left who had the Remington. The grenades could not have caused multiple players hundreds of meters apart to fly into the air and die, so there was something fishy going on. I cannot however point my finger at the guys who attacked us, it was just an original assumption as we were kicked at the same time.

Cheers for the good gun fight and the adrenaline rush mates, it was exciting while it lasted. Chances are won't be seeing you in game unless you play on another server as I will never be returning to NY14 for obvious reasons.

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