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Piano House & elektro looting

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So im a week into dayz, me and my friends are loving it (yh there are tons of bugs, but, its alpha and we understand that concept).
We are our changing gearing tactic, so far we would spawn in a empty server,run go to balota airstrip and server loop till we all got full military THEN go into action, but this takes too long and its not rly needed, we will die anyway due to pvp or some bug.
So now we are spawning and running straight for elektro and gear up there, we check the firestations, the school, the hospital, the supermarket and the police thingy, but from what I see on the webs the best house for weapon/bullet looting is the "piano house", is there one in elektro? If not, where is it and is it rly that good?

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I'll bet you 10 bucks someone is gonna cry about you joining empty servers.


Also yes, the piano house has a good chance of spawning weapons and food. Especially shotguns spawn in there.

Edited by Bearserk
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Ammo, food, melee weapons and rarely guns. I've seen all guns aside from M4s spawn there. There are several other rather common residential buildings that are worth your time since the latest patch though (and many before that), not just these.


Piano houses are in most major towns I think.

Edited by Amias Free
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  On 3/20/2014 at 9:55 PM, Lostc4use said:

Can someone confirm if it is in elektro?

yes, it is


there is atleast one, maybe two


they are common in towns/bigger cities, gotta look for them in cities.


there are about 4-5 of these buildings sveltojarsk, if you spawn east sometime.

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  On 3/20/2014 at 9:46 PM, Lostc4use said:

So im a week into dayz, me and my friends are loving it (yh there are tons of bugs, but, its alpha and we understand that concept).

We are our changing gearing tactic, so far we would spawn in a empty server,run go to balota airstrip and server loop till we all got full military...


Yep, you are the type of player I hate.

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  On 3/20/2014 at 10:06 PM, Survivor_Ted said:

Yep, you are the type of player I hate.


he is new to the game a playing with friends

not everyone is ub3r 1337 @ dayZ

Edited by pacific_coast
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  On 3/20/2014 at 10:07 PM, pacific_coast said:



1. Joining empty servers to get loot.

2. Server hopping to get even MORE loot.

3. 'Going into action' can only interpret this as KOS'ing everyone and everything they see, whether it be fresh spawn or fully kitted.




thats why

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Yet another reason to put in ruthless zombies, and lots of them. And yes, I don't understand the idea of empty servers "till we're full military".


On a scale from 1 (not at all) to 10 (completely agree), who much do you agree with the following statement?


"I wish I could respawn with full military gear."

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that is the majority of players.

server hopping is real, we gotta deal.

"going into action" aka being a kos crew is the only thing to do right now.


run around a give out food and meds?

try to be "friendly" and talk to people?

this is not a social network or a chat room, its a violent video game deathmatch atm.

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  On 3/20/2014 at 10:10 PM, Survivor_Ted said:

1. Joining empty servers to get loot.

2. Server hopping to get even MORE loot.

3. 'Going into action' can only interpret this as KOS'ing everyone and everything they see, whether it be fresh spawn or fully kitted.




thats why

After my first ten hours playing, I determined the first two things were 'what to do' since I kept getting killed by KoSers before finding a weapon even.

If a player assumes #3 is 'what to do', it probably has something to do with my reasoning for doing 1 and 2.


Of course, after I learned server hopping was looked down upon I stopped doing it. Generally. Okay, I did for about an hour earlier trying to find a black can of spraypaint to see if I could make my fireaxe camo like my mosin.


Found one finally, and I could not. -_-

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people server hop and i dont care

people kos and i dont care

people complain on the forums and i dont care

still playing the game


peace and love peace and love

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  On 3/20/2014 at 10:17 PM, pacific_coast said:

"going into action" aka being a kos crew is the only thing to do right now.


That's my biggest issue, is that the alpha doesn't feel like a designed game yet. Aside from "Let's just kill each other", there really isn't a "Direction" to the game yet. That worries, me, especially since next is Beta, and that's too late to rework the design/direction of a game.

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  On 3/20/2014 at 10:27 PM, TOPMO3 said:

That's my biggest issue, is that the alpha doesn't feel like a designed game yet. Aside from "Let's just kill each other", there really isn't a "Direction" to the game yet. That worries, me, especially since next is Beta, and that's too late to rework the design/direction of a game.

as soon as basic cooking is in, im FUCKING COOKING MY ASS OFF

as soon as basic hunting is in, im FUCKING HUNTING MY ASS OFF

as soon as basic cars are in, im...


ya dig?


seriously, i avoid characters and explore, shoot zeds in empty towns for target pactice and sometimes yolo kos or just "try" to be friendly.


with friends i'd have more fun, but they wont play until there is more content.

more content will come before beta.

what kind of content is TBA and that worries me

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I dont see any problem with server hooping, to be honest it would be great if the gear wouldnt stick with you when you change server, but you cant do that because servers are unstable atm, you cant stick to one server,so yh server hooping is fine.

About the KOS, dude.. what else is there to do on this game as it is right now? Zombies are no threat (grab an axe), food and water are no threat either (if ithey were the KOS would even be greater), so, whatelse? I tried to be friendly once, the guy (taht just spawned) punched me and I went unconscious with 1 or 2 punches max, then he killed me. KOS is the way! :D

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You would think if you are jumping on empty servers to get geared up because it is 'too hard' to do it on a half challenging medium to full server you could at least explore and find the piano house by yourself. I mean..there isn't any around to shoot you is there.

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  On 3/20/2014 at 10:06 PM, Survivor_Ted said:

Yep, you are the type of player I hate.

Judgmental "you must play this alpha test the way I tell you to!!" player spotted.

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  On 3/20/2014 at 11:31 PM, Hetstaine said:

You would think if you are jumping on empty servers to get geared up because it is 'too hard' to do it on a half challenging medium to full server you could at least explore and find the piano house by yourself. I mean..there isn't any around to shoot you is there.

you got me wrong, ive searched alot, I just wanted to be sure there was one in elektro, and I dont go to empty servers, I go to low pop servers.

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Back to topic people.


No there is not a piano house in electro, not one single piano house.


Please someone correct me if i am wrong but i know this map and i have never searched a piano house in electro

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  On 3/20/2014 at 11:42 PM, acoastalhero said:

Back to topic people.


No there is not a piano house in electro, not one single piano house.


Please someone correct me if i am wrong but i know this map and i have never searched a piano house in electro

You are correct. People get the piano house and the factory confused. They have the same outside textures but the factories are longer, and have the machine room, with an upstairs. Although they also spawn guns some times in the upstairs of those factories, but no where near the same amount as the piano houses. 


There ones you were probably hearing about are in Berezino. There are two of them there, and a factory, a school, hospital, police station, and new medic building. It is where me and my friends usually go to look for loot when we spawn. 


There is also two piano houses and other good buildings in the town right by north east air field. I think there is a piano house in cherno, but I am not certain as to the other places. 


The pictures are correct though on the first page as to what it looks like, and imagine that but longer as the factory building. 

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  On 3/20/2014 at 9:54 PM, Bearserk said:

Not sure. Think it's near the coast.


It looks like this





That's the Berezino Piano House, there's 2 in Berezino. There's also one in Cherno I believe, though.

Edited by dvsilverwing

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In the north west part of Cherno near the well.

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