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Game crashing

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When playing Epoch Panthera when I get attacked by zombies and sometimes gun shots that make my screen go black and white from the damage my game would crash and monitors would both go black for about 2 seconds but then come back and carry on working. I can hear in game sounds but cant go back into the game so it forces me to Alt F4 the game the exit and restart it. This only started happening recently I haven't added or taken anything away from my computer before the problem happened it has just randomly started, Any help?


PC Specs

Processor: Intel Core i7 3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz

Ram 16GB

64 Bit windows

Graphics Card nvidia GTX 560 ti

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Update/Revert your sound driver.


You can also try to change your sound quality.


Hope this helps!

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Dont listern to that guy.

Why update your sound drivers when it dident do it before?

Anyway Its a battleye.dll crash. Very common at the momnet.

Have a look at your windows event log or the arma rpt log
That is in user/appdata/local/ArmA 2OA folder

Just type event log in search and its under 
Event Viewer (Local)/Windows Logs/Application

Not much you can do about it, until Battleye fix the .dll =)


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Anyway Its a battleye.dll crash. Very common at the momnet.

I'm not sure why you think so, he didn't mention BE anywhere? I am not aware of this currently "very common" problem either.


Not much you can do about it, until Battleye fix the .dll =)

Could you please send me your crash report/log? I'm not sure why you expect issues to be magically fixed if no one (including yourself) reports them? Thanks in advance! Edited by BEdev-Sable

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I'm not sure why you think so, he didn't mention BE anywhere? I am not aware of this currently "very common" problem either.



As I am fairly certain we're talking about ARMA 2 it's actually fairly common.


It crashes with the message: "BattlEye: Unhandled Exception" or something in the lines of that. Had multiple people reporting that crash.

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As I am fairly certain we're talking about ARMA 2 it's actually fairly common.


It crashes with the message: "BattlEye: Unhandled Exception" or something in the lines of that. Had multiple people reporting that crash.

That was happening with BE Client v1.213 which was quickly reverted.

At the moment there shouldn't be any BE-related crashes. If you still experience one please let me know.

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I was refering to this =)
I know a few people having this issue. Also we did report it =)





to:  [email protected] cc:   date:  Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 11:10 PM subject:  crash in ArmA2OA.exe, version:, mailed-by:  gmail.com signed-by:  gmail.com


I just had two crashes of my entire arma2oa.exe application and in the event viewer i noticed error reports (which i will attach).

i am running windows7 64 bit. steam overlay enabled, launching epoch mod via dayzcommander.
BE is current version - updated via server automatically (ie, whatever the server pushes out)
let me know if you have any issues opening the attached event viewer log files and i'll be happy to send them via screenshots or something.
Also, one of my friends had very similar crashes happen today - middle of playing arma2oa epoch mod, suddenly crash to desktop - except unlike me, he was in combat at the time of the crash so he's now banned :( 
I am not sure if he knows how to (or can) get his eventviwer logs but i'll ask.
Please do let me know if this is a known issue and/or cause and/or any information on a fix.


+ crash logs sent with the above email.
Should we handle this differently?

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I was refering to this =)

I know a few people having this issue. Also we did report it =)


+ crash logs sent with the above email.

Should we handle this differently?

Yes, I know. As I said above, this was quickly fixed. Do you still have problems? Edited by BEdev-Sable

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