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Mosin +prone + bipod

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So i have been using the mosin for the last few weeks before this new release, with the bi pod deployed and prone i have very steady shots/cross-hairs.Since this patch its almost as if i don't have a bi pod at all its shaky to hell, all the norms are norms  hydrated, energized, healthy, took pain killers got out of the rain-lol.

Has anyone else had this issue, or is it game design which if so is fine by me i just could not find anything about it  in patch notes apart from it being centered correctly. 

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you have a broken/fractured arm.  use a morphene injector or make a splint with sticks+rags.

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you have a broken/fractured arm.  use a morphene injector or make a splint with sticks+rags.

Don't forget to make sure you are healthy and didn't just run an 8k.

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with the zombies going off there tits this patch its going to be more common,  people not used to takeing hits from zombies.  would be nice if we got a notification of the injury though.   as it stands though  anytime you have aiming issues.  morphene or splint.  90% of the time it will fix it.

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They have now got the notifications sorted.


Was in a firefight last night and I got the following:


"I think I broke my arm"

"I am in a lot of pain"


In the tab overlay it had below energized/hydrated in bright red "Fracture".


Try using the compensator if you haven't already, I didn't see that you've mentioned that. It should hopefully bring it down a touch for you.

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I shot my Mosin while prone and using a bipod yesterday. It is amazingly fun nut nothing like DayZ. The recoil will take you a second or two to re-align your eye with the scope and then find the target again...and thats a non-moving target. It would be cool if they added that in for high-powered rifles in the game...

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Thanks for the reply's , i did have a compensator on at the time it was all pristine , and lol i hadn't run the marathon you spoke of . Sure i hold down right click for zoom and after a while i puff too much and its shaky but for the most part when i held my breath for the first shot it seemed oddly shakier than normal. Unfortunately logging in today i had the great privilege of receiving  "unable to load your character" so until i find another ill leave it at that , appreciate your feedback

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Thanks for the reply's , i did have a compensator on at the time it was all pristine , and lol i hadn't run the marathon you spoke of . Sure i hold down right click for zoom and after a while i puff too much and its shaky but for the most part when i held my breath for the first shot it seemed oddly shakier than normal. Unfortunately logging in today i had the great privilege of receiving  "unable to load your character" so until i find another ill leave it at that , appreciate your feedback

You do not need a compensator, just a fully functional body without any broken limbs allong with some nice prestine optics.

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