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Zombie spawning

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No. There's a difference between making it more challenging and just having zombies consta-spawn the minute they're killed.

It would be more of a challenge to have so 30 zombies spawned in a town. It's a whole different beast to have them pop into existence behind you and start beating you round the head when you just looked to that area and shot the zombies there. That's not a challenge..the game is cheating!

If you get hit run away from the town don't just stand there and take hits, move in circles.

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If you get hit run away from the town don't just stand there and take hits, move in circles.

I did! I was in the middle of a field about 150m outside of town. They were spawning into existence in the middle of the fields.

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I did! I was in the middle of a field about 150m outside of town. They were spawning into existence in the middle of the fields.

yeah it sucks. i like that there is more zombies now, but the spawning is redicilous at the moment. they shouldn't spawn so close to players.

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If you get hit run away from the town don't just stand there and take hits, move in circles.


won't let me post instructional youtube vid :(

Edited by Frosti
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The spawning mechanism and the zombies in general might still be quite wonky.  


BUT I am absolutely convinced that the game is on the right way. It needs BRUTAL zombies, that deserve to be feared and force you to play safe and smart.


As soon as the zombie spawning/glitching/vision stuff is fixed, the zombies will probably need some more buffs, be it in quantity or quality.

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Yes, Zs should not spawn in front of you.

Yes, Zs should not spawn already aggroed by you.

Yes, it's a raw prototype and don't expect it to change to soon.


 one more time, the steps of DayZ development:

  • DayZ Early Access Alpha: Feature development, during which the vast majority of major bugs are created/occur.
  • DayZ Early Access Beta: Content development, during which the "meat on the bones" is added to the title, alongside the beginnings of major bug fixing surrounding issues created during the feature development of alpha.
  • DayZ Early Access RC (Final Beta stages): Bug Fix, optimization, and balancing. During which the stone is polished, until the DayZ dev team feels the title is ready to go live.

Which means: Bugs occur now and are created now (yes, this includes the Z wall glitch and the spawn out of thin air) but are not immedeately fixed, because the main focus is the development of teh core mechanics not bugfixing, except for really gamebreaking bugs (Memory leak, CTDs etc.) Deal with it or come back when DayZ hits Beta.


And still: I'm happy. Respawning Zs, but if yourely on your pitchfork you get through a town without bigger problems ;)

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Too bad I am on NWAF. I would like to see this zombie action in Elektro.

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Wow, And at no point you though that maybe the zombies were respawning because you were shooting

At no point did you think to use a melee weapon

The fix is to be silent ....... Just WOW

Doesn't help one bit. Last night I was killing zombies in berezino with an axe, literally 5 of them spawned consecutively at roughly the same spawn, right in front of me (about 20m) while I was looking at them, and instantly aggro'd. No respawn is tons better than spawn in plain sight 5 times in a row. This isn't even an isolated incident. It happened way too many times to me already.

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I think it is good to be honest. Your issue is because you are shooting, that is why you are attracting so many, Try using a melee weapon, or even better, be a man and "squad up".. Worrrrrlllddd starrr :)

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 one more time, the steps of DayZ development:

  • DayZ Early Access Alpha: Feature development, during which the vast majority of major bugs are created/occur.
  • DayZ Early Access Beta: Content development, during which the "meat on the bones" is added to the title, alongside the beginnings of major bug fixing surrounding issues created during the feature development of alpha.
  • DayZ Early Access RC (Final Beta stages): Bug Fix, optimization, and balancing. During which the stone is polished, until the DayZ dev team feels the title is ready to go live.


You are starting to abuse that statement. Almost every post I go to, you copy and paste that. Can you just start providing a link in your signature? You are bloating up the posts for no reason.

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You are starting to abuse that statement. Almost every post I go to, you copy and paste that. Can you just start providing a link in your signature? You are bloating up the posts for no reason.


I know, sry...it's just far easier to copy-paste that, instead of explaining it all the time with new words...and people tend to not know it, so i thought, maybe if I answer enough people with it....ah, you know...

Thanks for the input, I think I'll put it in my signature...

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The whole thing appears to have got out of hand. To get into a town to loot some ammo and food costs you more then you get out. eg. Last trip into Electro used over 180 rounds and was able to loot 3 soda's a can of beans and 10 rounds of the wrong ammo type.


On the up side very few bandits now they are all running from zombies as well.


In conclusion yes more zombies but keep it real and no teleporting in 10m away.


I want to play Dayz Standalone no Star Trek the Zombie Generation.


Quick fix please.


Don't shoot them. You will only attract more and you really don't need anything but an axe to take them out. Don't blame your unthinking playstyle on the game. Zombies should be a problem, especially in cities.


But anyway I am pleased to learn that most of the deathmatchers will now spend all their ammo on zombies.

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Phew! you got out alive though? please tell me you lived? sounds to me like the way it should be, haven't experienced a full on zombie assault yet but sounds epic..

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Deal with it or come back when DayZ hits Beta.


And still: I'm happy. Respawning Zs, but if yourely on your pitchfork you get through a town without bigger problems ;)

Thanks for that valuable input. FYI, I am dealing with it. I know it's alpha and i fully accept bugs and unfinished content, I've beta tested lots of games and know there are issues. I'm a big boy now so I read the comment from Bohemia on the steam site about not purchasing the game if you're not going to be happy playing with bugs.

I'm here to make a decent topic and discuss zombies and problems. Any post on these forums can be used as valuable feedback for the dev team.

If the forums didn't exist and no one could post about the game, then really, what's the point of releasing pre-beta?



Phew! you got out alive though? please tell me you lived? sounds to me like the way it should be, haven't experienced a full on zombie assault yet but sounds epic..


Yes I did! Though a lot of gear was trashed and I probably only had a pint of blood left.

Wish I had a vid to post  :)

Maybe i'll start frapsing for the masses

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snip....Yes I did! Though a lot of gear was trashed and I probably only had a pint of blood left.

Wish I had a vid to post  :)

Maybe i'll start frapsing for the masses


so I guess in a way it was actually quite fun then? huh?

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Thanks for that valuable input. FYI, I am dealing with it. I know it's alpha and i fully accept bugs and unfinished content, I've beta tested lots of games and know there are issues. I'm a big boy now so I read the comment from Bohemia on the steam site about not purchasing the game if you're not going to be happy playing with bugs.

I'm here to make a decent topic and discuss zombies and problems. Any post on these forums can be used as valuable feedback for the dev team.

If the forums didn't exist and no one could post about the game, then really, what's the point of releasing pre-beta?


Sry, didn't mean to step on your toes, just thought it's better to write these things, because they might clarify some areas before they come up. I did actually not put you in the "spoiled brat is whining" category (and didn't wanted you to think so), and I respect that this topic is not about complaining but a discussion. I was just a little bit startled by the line "More zombies = good but surely it can be better implemented than this?". So sry again for not respecting the thread as one of the few actually not tiresome ones.



Like mullraugh said:

Dean said something about zombies spawning OUTSIDE of towns after the players clear the area, then they will start walking toward the town as the players make noise. Will add some fun times with all the barricading and stuff that's planned!


This will be the final(?) step for the "reasonable respawn mechanic".


But I don't know if it will not lead again to a similar issue like the mod had with its bubble-spawn-system (you could tell if a player was int own if there were Zs around).

So if this is implemented that way and you come close to a town and see Zs standing outside of it (because they respawned but didn't hear the player in town by now) you could tell again if somebody is there...

Edited by LaughingJack
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There's yer problem! What did you expect to find in a large town like that? Babystrollers filled with candy and floppy fish?


Agreed though.

Dean said something about zombies spawning OUTSIDE of towns after the players clear the area, then they will start walking toward the town as the players make noise. Will add some fun times with all the barricading and stuff that's planned

Dean says something, but does it mean the Dayz team can actually implement a more realistic way to spawn zombies?   Why did they waste time codeing the game to spawn in a completely different way than what the creator said?

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Sry, didn't mean to step on your toes, just thought it's better to write these things, because they might clarify some areas before they come up. I did actually not put you in the "spoiled brat is whining" category (and didn't wanted you to think so), and I respect that this topic is not about complaining but a discussion

Respect  :beans:


I was just a little bit startled by the line "More zombies = good but surely it can be better implemented than this?". 

Perhaps my wording was wrong.

I want more zombies and making steps towards them is good, but having them just pop out of thin air really sucks and severely breaks the 'realism' of the game. It just seem that they went from one extreme to another.

Things can only get better!

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so I guess in a way it was actually quite fun then? huh?

Well, it's the most intense situation I've been in while playing solo when not up against another player. Fun, yes, but equally as frustrating.


I'd rather come against a big crowd of zombies and survive - knowing that I will (eventually) either win or die (or be forced to 'tactically retreat'). Knowing that there is just a never ending kill/spawn cycle kinda stops you from getting that 'I defeated the horde' exhilaration from creating a pile of dead zombies. 

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I love the stealth approach in towns, it does work sometimes. But I finally found a water bottle, went to fill it in the pond in Polana (which mostly void of zeds) and then two spawned right on top of me. All I have to use is an axe which works well for the most part, but as stated before all spawns were already aggro. Bled, couldn't patch myself up because being chase, passed out, two minutes later I was dead. I am all for the amount of zombies, one even saw me in a window on the second floor of a building and that was AWESOME, but the quick spawning already aggro'd is a huge bummer considering that's not how it would really work. Otherwise this game is fantastic!

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So, yeah, there's a lot of dumb folks out there.


But anywho, yeah, the spawns are a bit much (and are prototypical/temporary). Zombies spawn around you WITH AGGRO, even if they weren't spawned when you drew aggro in the first place. Makes no sense.


I'm all for making zombies a threat, I've been advocating for it for two years. But the morons saying "deal with it" or "learn to adapt" or "zombies are now a threat and people still complain" aren't taking the whole picture into account.


They need to revamp how one draws aggro. Zombies currently do not respect any changes in silhouette, speed, or distance. They aggro you from a mile off, regardless of whether you're slow-crawling through a bush or sprinting in an open field. This temporary spawn mechanic underscores the problem in how zombies draw and maintain aggro. Plus, I want my zombies to be persistent, rather than spawning near players (a la DayZ mod).


The poster above me raises a good point. You either fight or run away. There's no middle option, stealth. Which creates the tension that DayZ was built upon. This stealth is nowhere to be found in the current Alpha. It needs to be addressed further on down the line.


I agree with this. Since this is the first release of this type of system, just give them a couple of patches to tweak it and I think they will be good to go. Couple those tweaks with AI pathing and I think we'll have exactly what we're looking for. 


All in due time :)

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loooooooooooooool. If you've ever played the mod or variations of the mod, you'd be saying "Hell yeah! Let's get it on!"


Play faster and smarter, live longer.


I think the system is a bit hardcore and a little frayed around the ends, but I think they are onto something good. 


My advice to anyone complaining: Fucking man up.

Such truth in his words.


It may be a bit hardcore for some, but I beg anyone to find a zombie movie, book, show or what have you - where people go around openly firing their weapons without thought or consideration to: maybe, just maybe.. the zombies will be attracted to noise.


If people don't like having the Zombies act the way they would - go play Arma3 it has plenty of Zombie-less shooting.



Edit: edited so it didn't seem my line was directed at Gekko, it is for the general complaining populace.

Edited by AJ4211

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Respect  :beans:


Perhaps my wording was wrong.

I want more zombies and making steps towards them is good, but having them just pop out of thin air really sucks and severely breaks the 'realism' of the game. It just seem that they went from one extreme to another.

Things can only get better!

Uh.   Prepare to be flamed for pointing out how awful the direction Dayz has been going is.

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I agree with this. Since this is the first release of this type of system, just give them a couple of patches to tweak it and I think they will be good to go. Couple those tweaks with AI pathing and I think we'll have exactly what we're looking for. 


All in due time :)


LOL.  Just give the zombies a few tweaks and it will be good to go?  Are you fucking serious?  The devs have failed to improve zombie collision and AI for 2 years.   What evidence do you have that DayZ will ever be able to fix zombies or how they spawn?

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Have to agree with the sceptical people here... The new spawn system is just awfull, but somehow many of the people who otherwise scream for more realism and whatever praise an endless stream of zombies just popping up in front of your nose.. Yeah thats really what we wanted to have.


And the "this is a placeholder" argument: Why even implement such a crappy system as a placeholder? And if they have been working on this for weeks: About everyone should be able to see how simple this respawn system is to implement, there is nothing complicated or smart about it, if they spend weeks to work on this then... well...



Since the alpha was released three month ago, nothing really important has improved. Sure, there are some nice new things, but all the important aspects (basic gameplay mechanics, interacting with objects, server performance (lag etc), zombies, loot (respawn), vehicles, and some more...) have not improved a single bit...

Edited by ErichZann

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