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(Inventory item placement save)

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Ive lost sawed off shotgun a few times when logging out and switching server. now that is because the items are rearranged when you enter another server. or even if you logon to the same server once again.


so your items get all messed up and probably ends up taking more place than they did before.

why should we tetris our items if they are randomly changing places when you have logged out and in.

Doesnt matter how long, i dont like that it messes up your item placement.



My suggestion:


- item placement is saved once logged out

- Items should appear in the same slots as when previously logged in when you enter a server

- this will prevent any item loss such as the sawed off shotgun etc.

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It's not random, everything tries to go as far up and left as possible. Simply put the shotgun in the top slots, then any protector cases as far top-left as you can.

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I understand where this guy is coming from though.  It is slightly annoying having to rearrange your stuff after you log back in if you had it in a certain order prior.


I support this idea.

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gee I just keep my inventory full of crap and when I need space for something I toss shit out. my stuff never gets rearranged.

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