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Remove Vehicles Showing on Helicopter Radar?

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As stated by this post at the bottom: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1935&pid=19049#pid19049

If you don't want to click the link, the posters says that all vehicles - manned and unmanned - show up on the helicopter's radar.

I understand a helicopter is supposed to be more "prestigious" in that they're rarer and harder (debatable) to fix than normal ground vehicles; however, this just kinda ruins the motivation to go find vehicles, fix them up, and do my best to keep them safe from other players. Pretty much, a team of players in a helicopter can just sit back and reap the benefits of the hard work other players put in to repair a broken vehicle.

I'm not sure what other "features" a helicopter comes equipped with. I wouldn't even care if it had FLIR and could spot another player hiding in a bush 10km away. I just think being able to see any vehicles on the radar is a little too much.

P.S. - I don't know the limitations on this vehicle identification, such as you need to be right on top of a vehicle or something. I assume you just have to be within a certain proximity of a vehicle.

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I agree with Patrickollo. We found, my mates and myself one chopper and fixed it up, then we flew all over the map to find every other vehicles on our server. The radar is really powerful, we found 2 choppers, two buses, two pickups, one british offroad, one UAZ, one lada and one motorbike. Just while flying around with this chopper.

I was pretty happy about that, but after reflexions, it was really unfair, apologize to other players of my servers.

So please guys, remove it on the next patch.


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I recall someone posting about this before. I think a dev mentioned that it was an arma function. As such it would be annoying, if even possible, to code out.

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If you have a helicopter, why would you steal a car?

Sure, sucks to be in a car if the heli people are out to kill you, but you're pretty fucked then anyway.

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All objects don't show up on the radar, tweaking the vehicles to appear as a type not found in base arma will prevent them from showing up.

Not sure what the coding is like for arma, but other engines this would be pretty trivial. Then again, tweaking the radar functionality would be as well.

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Wow this is total bullshit.

No wonder I can't find a SINGLE vehicle in game, when people are flying around with choppers taking every single vehicle.

This radar shit must BE GONE. SERIOUSLY.

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