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Guilt over some KOS experiences.

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I have some guilt over some KoSing that I've done.


There's been several times where I run into another player with their back turned to me, just standing there.  They are probably looking at their inventory or their map.  Anyways, I take a second to hesitate and quickly spray M4 ammo at these careless dudes.


I mean, who just stands there in a prison building on an airbase or police station?


I easily could speak up in direct chat and alert the dude that I'm there.  But if they were paying attention or not alt-tabbed out, they would have heard my footsteps.  It's just plain carelessness that I was able to sneak up on these dudes.  At first, I thought maybe these were dupes...but they've fixed the dupe exploit and I just killed a dude in this way recently.


Am I teaching these guys a lesson or am I just being a dick?  Am I adding to their experience?  Maybe next time they'll be more careful, actually pay attention, and don't tab-out in the airfield.  I mean come on, I thought that was common sense.


BTW, I don't need their stuff so I don't care if stuff gets ruined.  It's kinda satisfying to empty half a STANAG clip into a person.

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They shouldn't just log out in an airfield, right. And they should also pay attention. I don't think anybody has ever snuck up on me while I'm at a prison. Most of the time the people you meet at airfields are going to try to kill you. Although I actually ran into two other friendlies at the NWAF once. We ran as a group for a little bit.


I can't really judge you as being a dick, because I'm sure most people who have played DayZ have done some shit things in-game. I'm normally friendly to people nowadays, but a month or two ago I force fed a fresh spawn some disinfectant. I didn't even have a reason to. I was just so used to killing for my own safety. I took his weapon so he wasn't a danger, but I still killed him. At that point I decided I need to break the habit of KoS. And I did.

Edited by Knock

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The guilt quicky fades away with time.. My first kill when I started played the mod back in june 2012, I found this guy crawling around some random small town inland, and just killed him on sight without heasitating, he had good gear tho, a FAL if I recall which is a pretty nice gun and almost every tool and a bloodbag. So he would just kill me first if I gave him the chance. I regret nothing

But then I mostly avoid people unless I feel that i need their gear or they are a threat

Edit: OP you are not a dick. The only way to be a dick in this game is to get a LRS and camp elektro hill, balota airstrip and KoS every single bambi that tries to get some decent loot. I mean, there are many people that play the game with only to do that, and thats why there are so many dicks ingame.

Edited by PacificForPeace

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Haha!  Using "I feel bad" and "Feels good to empty half a STANAG" in the same post make me chuckle.  If you saw them anywhere else like that and you kill them, you might be a dick.  In those areas, however, it might be prudent to murder fools.

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