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Clan Warfare - DayZEpoch - | 40+Features | SpawnSelect/Bike/Coins/Missions/TreasureChests/GroupSystem/Prison/NoDecay/Snap2BuildPro/LiftTow/TakeClothes

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ok hello i was told about this clan by one of my friends who used to be in this very clan! I would like to be in the clan as dayz is hard to get involved in good gameplay whereas if you have a clan searching for trouble it'd always be fun! THANKS!

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This server is horrible, would never play again, 0/10. 

-Server has bandwidth issues

-Long 5-10 minute load-ins

-Broken "Action menu" due to fail devs

-Buying vehicles takes 10 minutes due to lag

-Also they despawn if the server is lagging too much

-Most importantly, HORRIBLE ADMINS

They spy on you

Teleport to you and mess with your property

Delete stuff in trader zones

Destroy cities if they do not like you

Favor their donating players

Have their detonators suck their small penises

Liquid (co-owner) banned several members of the server today due to his own personal anger issues

Liquid also banned my whole clan, for making jokes about donation


-Do not joke about donation

-Do not type fun things in side chat

-Do not refer to admins as "bro"

-Bikes do not work, 


OVERALL, I rank this server a 3.50/100, would never play again or recommend. Would rather play Namalsk while naked.

Edited by Hermon Li
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This server is horrible, would never play again, 0/10. 

-Server has bandwidth issues

-Long 5-10 minute load-ins

-Broken "Action menu" due to fail devs

-Buying vehicles takes 10 minutes due to lag

-Also they despawn if the server is lagging too much

-Most importantly, HORRIBLE ADMINS

They spy on you

Teleport to you and mess with your property

Delete stuff in trader zones

Destroy cities if they do not like you

Favor their donating players

Have their detonators suck their small penises

Liquid (co-owner) banned several members of the server today due to his own personal anger issues

Liquid also banned my whole clan, for making jokes about donation


-Do not joke about donation

-Do not type fun things in side chat

-Do not refer to admins as "bro"

-Bikes do not work, 


OVERALL, I rank this server a 3.50/100, would never play again or recommend. Would rather play Namalsk while naked.

Liquids Clan Warfare was separate my the one I ran, having only just seen your message now after almost year, I'm shocked to here what happened after I passed the reigns to him.. However, that was separate 

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Bumping my very old thread as I am seriously considering relaunching this server, I have messaged over 800 people on enjin who were once registered to the website and have gotten a pretty good response from alot of people interested in returning seeing I do relaunch the server. However, i'm just passing on the message here trying to gather interest. Below I will copy and paste the original message I sent out to all my old players..


Hi everyone,

Im reaching out and contacting all of you who were once registered to my Clan Warfare Website for my Arma 2 DayZ Epoch Server Clan Warfare server. And there is ALOT of you. Just to refresh your memories I was the original owner who past over reigns to a couple of guys around this time last year, as I had a new job starting up and couldn't continue running the server.

DayZ Clan Warfare was one of the most popular Epoch servers of its time.

I am messaging you all because I do get the sporadic email from a couple of you guys asking if I would ever relaunch the server again and I have been considering it for a long time. I remember all the people I met, all the events we hosted, prizes we gave away and general awesome time I had running the server.

Well I am now in a stable position with work and would love to get things up and running again. I was planning to go back to what made DayZ fun IMO, the original Epoch mod with all the features we used to have on the server and you guys loved.

Heres a list of most of the features we had:

-Self BB
-Custom Map
-AI Missions
-Cargo Supply Drops
-Bridge to Skalisty
-Take Clothes
-Fast Building
-Custom Debug Monitor
-Intro Music
-Heli Evac
-Safezone Trader
-Backpack Anti Theft
-Full Moon Nights
-Street Lights
-Spawn Selection
-Clear Roads
-Deploy Bike
-Dynamic Weather
-Auto Refuel
-Debug Monitor
-Day/Night Cycle
-Build Snapping
-A New Airfield
-AS50s/M107s/Thermals +more
-Added Trader Items (Cinder Blocks, Mortar, Metal Floor, Combo Locks)
-Indestructable Bases

So the point in this message is I am trying to see what your guys response is regarding the server potentially launching again and if you guys would be interested in playing, is Arma 2 DayZ still a active game? Are you guys still playing DayZ? If not would you come back to play on the server?

I've been off the scene for a while and I understand a lot of things have progressed with DayZ Mod with all these new mods like Overpoch and features but everything is up in the air with what we do depending on the response, nothing is set in stone. But then again, we could always go back to how it was before.

So if any of you have any slight interest in starting up playing again please do let me know and offer your advice in what way the server should go!

If the response is good I will return with another message.

I appreciate you all taking time to read this!

Cheers, Hamilton



Edited by jayhamilton96

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