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Bandit catering?

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So there is a lot of talk about disconnecting in a PVP situation.

And bandits whining at anyone who wants bandits to be "punished"

(Which by the way are few and far between)

BUT THERE ARE TONS OF "fix disconnect BS" here and "Disconnect exploit fix NOW" there.

Most of the time the reasoning is PVP related. I wonder why that is?

You know why, it is because the ones crying about the disconnecting exploit are people who are SNIPING other players....

When i kill a person it is point blank either from behind or in front of them


BECAUSE i don't camp on a high building for the sole purpose of killing for no reason.

You NEVER see any threads saying

"Disconnecting to avoid zombies is stupid"

and the thread would contain examples of how a person realized they could save their ass from dieing from zombies (if there is actually a thread like the one described im sure the person who wrote it only plays on expert and is a hardcorist)

And the thing that is just wowing is that rocket is making it a priority to "fix" the ability to disconnect quickly?

What kind of shit is that? All that will do will cater to bandits who snipe people for the fuck of it...

Why the hell are non-killers bashed for wanting bandit punishment (which i don't approve of BTW it should discouraged not punished) but then bandits can get a fix that helps them out?


Why are bandits getting helping hand in camping with a long range weapon killing just for the fuck of it? when non-killers are punished by not being allowed to avoid pointless death?

If you know your a bandit who does exactly what i stated don't make an ass of your self and say how stupid this or how idiotic the post is...

To deny that "fixing" the disconnecting "exploit" would help bandits is just asinine.

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Fixing DCers will help everyone.

DCing is a exploit (Call it "clever use of game mechanics" and that wont change a thing) and it should be fixed.

It will only help Bandits if you are a DCer yourself.

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The majority of DCers ARE bandits though. Not the other way around, for sure, but the gist of DCers do it because they don't want to lose gear.

Given the massive amount of pandering that PvPers get, it's no surprise that using an artificial advantage is the next step.

It won't happen though, that would give griefers a hard time.

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Fixing DCers will help everyone.

DCing is a exploit (Call it "clever use of game mechanics" and that wont change a thing) and it should be fixed.

It will only help Bandits if you are a DCer yourself.

Please elaborate how it will HELP EVERYONE.

I don't consider my self clever when DCing, i consider it a necessary evil, if the developers would focus on fixing the bullshit bugs instead of fixing the exploits that do nothing but help, then i wouldn't need to exploit.

Last time i checked that is usually how it works. Fix bugs, THEN fix exploits.

It will only help bandits if i DC? WTF i don't even understand what that line is meant to mean.

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The majority of DCers ARE bandits though.

If you're going to pull ridiculous facts out of your ass' date=' at least pretend to back them up with something.

Given the massive amount of pandering that PvPers get, it's no surprise that using an artificial advantage is the next step.

So "it's allowed" now qualifies as massive pandering. Really? It's a PvP game. PvP is permitted. Holy shit, someone call the newspapers.

It won't happen though, that would give griefers a hard time.

Why don't you just quit now, dude? Seriously. You obviously don't like the game, and it's not going to become a PvE game overnight. So just go away? You spend hours a day on the forums crying about PvP why don't you just go play one of the hundreds and thousands of games that don't have it already built in as a central part of the theme and game?

Please elaborate how it will HELP EVERYONE.

Okay, elaboration commencing:

If you are attacked by a bandit and get the upper hand, he can disconnect and you don't get any loot.

If you are attacked by a bandit and disconnects are fixed, then you can get the upper hand, kill the bandit, take all of his awesome gear and use that against any other bandits you might come across thus increasing your chances of survival and that of your companions.

Fixing exploits benefits everyone.

Not rocket science.

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The majority of DCers ARE bandits though. Not the other way around' date=' for sure, but the gist of DCers do it because they don't want to lose gear.

Given the massive amount of pandering that PvPers get, it's no surprise that using an artificial advantage is the next step.

It won't happen though, that would give griefers a hard time.


Eh to be honest the "bandits" you describe are not bandits they are bitches; bitches are the people who kill and disconnect if they sense danger, I only disconnect when i get shot from out of nowhere and i have a plan (fixing vehicle, saving friend who is severely injured).

If i am playing solo (which is now almost never since it is BORING AS BALLZ) or if me and my buddies are back at square one then ya i accept the death even if it would be a BS death.

I got lost at your second and third line.

The majority of DCers ARE bandits though.

If you're going to pull ridiculous facts out of your ass' date=' at least pretend to back them up with something.

Given the massive amount of pandering that PvPers get, it's no surprise that using an artificial advantage is the next step.

So "it's allowed" now qualifies as massive pandering. Really? It's a PvP game. PvP is permitted. Holy shit, someone call the newspapers.

It won't happen though, that would give griefers a hard time.

Why don't you just quit now, dude? Seriously. You obviously don't like the game, and it's not going to become a PvE game overnight. So just go away? You spend hours a day on the forums crying about PvP why don't you just go play one of the hundreds and thousands of games that don't have it already built in as a central part of the theme and game?

Please elaborate how it will HELP EVERYONE.

Okay' date=' elaboration commencing:

If you are attacked by a bandit and get the upper hand, he can disconnect and you don't get any loot.

If you are attacked by a bandit and disconnects are fixed, then you can get the upper hand, kill the bandit, take all of his awesome gear and use that against any other bandits you might come across thus increasing your chances of survival and that of your companions.

Fixing exploits benefits everyone.

Not rocket science.


Oh its you ya you tend to bash like any complaints about ANYTHING EVER mainly dealing with PVP i know your a hardcore bandit so i really didn't read much of your post.

If you are attacked by a bandit and disconnects are fixed, then you can get the upper hand, kill the bandit

WTF are you talking about when ever your attacked by a bandit it usually is from a sniper and your down in one hit so again WTF are you talking about.

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i know your a hardcore bandit so i really didn't read much of your post.


2 murders in the last 13 days. One was a survivor who shot my brother' date=' the other tried to steal my truck.

Yes, "hardcore bandit." You [b']know everything about me, don't you?

Maybe I just like the element of intensity and uncertainty that PvP adds to the game? Maybe I like collecting beans more when my life is in danger? Maybe I find enemies with human intelligence more interesting than scripted, AI-driven mindless computer drones? Maybe I welcome the stresses and frustration of being hunted? Maybe I play the game specifically for that reason, because if I just wanted to walk around shooting zombies and collecting goodies I could go play any of the other games that let me do exactly that? Maybe I like DayZ the way it is because it's different, and doesn't bow down to shouts from people like you who think it tastes too strong and want to mix it with kool aid so it goes down easier?

WTF are you talking about when ever your attacked by a bandit it usually is from a sniper and your down in one hit so again WTF are you talking about.

Know how not to get sniped? Don't stand still out in the open. Use cover. Move from cover-to-cover and stay low. Play smart. If you can't get the upper hand on these players that you seem to accuse of being mindless idiots then what does that say about you?

Learn how to beat them, don't ask the game designer to do it for you.

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Is this seriously a thread complaining about not being allowed to DC in PVP? Why are you playing this game? Honestly, you're not cut out for it.

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The majority of DCers ARE bandits though.

If you're going to pull ridiculous facts out of your ass' date=' at least pretend to back them up with something.[/quote']

Fact: Killing on sight makes you a Bandit

Fact: Those shooting at me DC the second they get shot

Fact: Bandits have more to lose in any given firefight, because they value their murder count.

Fact: Survivors are too busy being immersed in the game to be ready to Alt-F4 the moment shit hits the fan

Fact: You're just looking for a reason to complain that someone doesn't like getting Combat Arms into DayZ.

Know how not to get sniped? Don't stand still out in the open. Use cover. Move from cover-to-cover and stay low. Play smart. If you can't get the upper hand on these players that you seem to accuse of being mindless idiots then what does that say about you?

Learn how to beat them' date=' don't ask the game designer to do it for you.


THIS is pure gold. Even getting in game makes you a still target. There is no "staying low" because you have to crawl to avoid zombies. There is no moving from cover to cover because you're corralled by the aggro chances. There's no playing smart because that would mean not playing at all. Oh and getting behind a sniper? They can just DC the second they're in trouble so how do you expect that to be handled? We don't have M101's to one shot kill with from barely in viewing distance. There's not even any shooting back because YOUR shots will draw aggro, while THEIR shots (which you can still hear, I might add) won't. They're perfectly safe and camping on a hill. No need to worry about zombies, survival, or other players.

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If only putting "Fact" and a colon in front of something had the magical power to make it true, you would be the master of the universe.

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If only putting "Fact" and a colon in front of something had the magical power to make it true' date=' you would be the master of the universe.


Careful how you tread, Virfortis is not afraid to put all kinds of nonsense into a giant wall of text at a moment's notice.

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Why are you assuming that people only DC if they are being shot at by a sniper. People will DC at anytime, I was playing yesterday and I encountered a disconnecter, that disconnected after I started shooting at him at close range. It's unfortunate, but until it is fixed it is going to be a part of Day Z, so there's no point complaining about it.

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IMHO someone DC'ing when a guy is camping out a spot just to kill someone without any risk to themselves because they are going to easily kill the guy who doesnt know they are there, deserve loosing thier kills when players disconnnect.

Deal with it, your being a douche in what your doing, so the other player is pulling a dbag move to negate yours ;)

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Deal with it' date=' your being a douche in what your doing, so the other player is pulling a dbag move to negate yours ;)


Yeah! No doubt. Like, when someone sets a trap for me in chess and corners my king in a way I didn't expect I totally just flip the board over and then punch him in the mouth because he was being a douche, right? So I negate that fucker right in the face.

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Haha!!! For some reason I figured you were going to be one of those roleplaying guys like Docktor Cherno (or whatever he calls himself) or the guy who was running a helicopter taxi service for awhile.

I thought you were going to offer catering services to all those hungry bandits camped out on the roofs in cherno. Hmmmmnnn.........

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I think that rocket should add a mechanic where a Velociraptor pounces on you from a forest the next time you reconnect after disconnecting in combat. Same goes for hackers, hack scripts should be Velociraptors.

In all seriousness, I think DayZ still needs to find that sweet spot where both playstyles (banditry and survivors) are supported equally. I think the humanity/bandit skin worked well, although the visual/audio cues could be expanded on (See: heartbeat when looking at bandits)

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What the fuck? Sick of seeing these threads. DCing in combat breaks the Persistant World concept of DayZ. Let us take a moment to accept two ACTUAL facts.

1) Arma 2 is a Combat Simulator

2) DayZ is a Zombie Apocalypse/Survival Simulator

Cool? Kk. Simulator, take some time to read up on what that means if you aren't 100% certain. Now let's run over some scenarios.

Zombies kill you. Would happen

People shoot you. Would happen

Someone follows you and steals your can of beans out of your pack. Would happen

You magically disappear and zombies disappear, you reappear seconds later and they do not. What the fuck?

Someone shoots at you and you magically disappear, leaving them wondering what kind of Wizard you are.

Rocket works hard to provide a REALISTIC, IMMERSIVE MOTHER FUCKING SIMULATOR of a zombie apocalypse and it seems like a myriad of retards can't understand that. Next time you want to suggest some dumbass shit think about whether it's actually intended or not.

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Fact: Survivors are too busy being immersed in the game to be ready to Alt-F4 the moment shit hits the fan

If you have to be "prepared" to hit two keys on your keyboard, I don't think any online game that pits you against another human being right is for you. PvP might be a tad above your mental capacity.

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THIS is pure gold. Even getting in game makes you a still target. There is no "staying low" because you have to crawl to avoid zombies. There is no moving from cover to cover because you're corralled by the aggro chances. There's no playing smart because that would mean not playing at all. Oh and getting behind a sniper? They can just DC the second they're in trouble so how do you expect that to be handled? We don't have M101's to one shot kill with from barely in viewing distance. There's not even any shooting back because YOUR shots will draw aggro' date=' while THEIR shots (which you can still hear, I might add) won't. They're perfectly safe and camping on a hill. No need to worry about zombies, survival, or other players.


This is a serious response? It reeks of dumbassery or troll, hard to tell the difference.

Look pal, for one, if you have to crawl really ever... you're doing it wrong. I can't remember the last time I went prone that had ANYTHING to do with infected, so learn to crouch walk in a non-retarded manner. Moving from cover to cover is quite simple actually... see that partially broken wall, move to it... at the wall, see that flipped car, move to it... okay, rinse and repeat. Learn to crouch walk in a non-retarded manner and you won't aggro half the damn area. The fact that you think there is no playing smart speaks loads about you, simply put, 'nuff said. As for snipers, you know what's interesting? A survivor finds a sniper rifle and then wanders off to a populated area and starts taking pot shots at people... we're all cut from the same mold, some of us are just more capable and competent than others apparently. Like much of the community that isn't drooling and partially brain-dead, I grow weary of these whiny "life is so unfair" threads...

TL;DR - You're dumb.

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THIS is pure gold. Even getting in game makes you a still target. There is no "staying low" because you have to crawl to avoid zombies. There is no moving from cover to cover because you're corralled by the aggro chances.

Exactly. That's why this game is a challenge which equals fun. If it was just mindless zombies, it wouldn't be a challenge. Just stay low. If it was just players, everyone would run around like the other pvp games.

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