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For the love of god please fix some basic mechanics first.....

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Stop shooting while prone until the fix gets moved to stable then. Jesus Christ people. I don't know crap about the devs, but the people crying have never been a part of an alpha or beta before this, I know this for a fact.


You all paid to be a part of this process. 


We were standing for most of our shots...it only took a few shots for us both to realize something was not right so we stood up, then we moved and tried again.

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I think I pretty much understand what you mean. And I can also agree with your view, up to a certain point. But to me, it's just bs. And both sides are to blame for it.


Fair enough.

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I was talking about SA too. And clearly you didn't read my whole post. I'm assuming you're a 14 year old child that had his mother buy him the game and his computer too? Is that why you put that?

I can assure you, and you can choose to believe this or not, but I'm 18 years old and I bought this game with my own cash. My point with that was that what's your problem with kids letting their mom buy stuff for them? You expect 14 year olds to have enough money to buy all their shit? Well, certainly, some have, but c'mon. Are you really one of those pathetic losers that go tough on someone because their voice hasn't dropped yet in a freaking videogame? Sure, this is rated mature. But let's be honest it's the parents responsibility and if they choose to buy the game then so be it. Nothing to do about that.

And yes, I read your full post sir. It was mind-boggling and incredibely harrowing, but in the end I succeeded :)

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<---- see that pic, that's me, I own more guns and shoot more rounds per year IRL then you will ever dream of. I do not miss, especially at a target only 75 yards away whom was not behind any cover whatsoever.


Videogame =/= Real life

Edited by AntonioAJC
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<---- see that pic, that's me, I own more guns and shoot more rounds per year IRL then you will ever dream of. I do not miss, especially at a target only 75 yards away whom was not behind any cover whatsoever.



Made me think of that.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


No body cares if that's you IRL or not. That's entirely irrelevant. If you had instead used the search function, or even Google you would have discovered this is a common bug that is being addressed! 

We don't need any more of these rage posts.

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<---- see that pic, that's me and I kill screaming naked people with my chainsaw IRL

Ok, just because OP is a giant douchebag It doesn't make his point any less serious. You can't shoot downhill and that needs to be fixed asap


I AM a douchbag, however you lack reading comprehension skills, I was not shooting down hill.

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These forums are full of angry teenagers.....are there no adults here that care to have an adult like discussion about broken game mechanics?

Edited by JT111
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We were standing for most of our shots...it only took a few shots for us both to realize something was not right so we stood up, then we moved and tried again.

Invisible walls in that spot perhaps? These are things that get ironed out over time. Was this the rocky ridge north of Svetlojarsk? I can imagine there being a quite few issues if you're attacking from a lower part of it, what with all the rocks poking out and having the potential for an invisible wall just above it.

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These forums are full of angry teenagers.....



There are no broken game mechanics, only QQ. For all we know you were de-syncing really bad. 

Edited by AntonioAJC
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These forums are full of angry teenagers.....are there no adults here that care to have an adult like discussion about broken game mechanics?

These people already told you what they problem was and they know. It's already addressed in experimental . Or so I think.

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I defs agree. I get REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY tired of seeing, "omg this fucking game and it's bugs, omfg fix them shit devs." It does get quite annoying being on the forums since august of 2012, and seeing these topics everyday of whiners.


Gets old.


Really old.





People expect us to read and understand and sympathise with their plight when it comes to the SA yet THEY wont read and understand (they more than likely do the former but are too dumb for the latter) the disclaimers and warnings that were plastered all over the fucking game to begin with.


It really isn't that hard.


Besides, my wrists have had it from all the facepalming I've had to do in the last couple of months due to these threads. So much so I've had to start using my keyboard, and despite the fact the keys press in, they fucking hurt!

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You said you want to go play battlefield 4, that itself implies you are only on dayz to shoot people, like you would on a shooter, i remind you that this is not a shooter game, much like GTA is not a driving game, nor a shooting game, it's a sandbox game and it has many things to offer for you to do. You dont have to shoot people but you choose to, the mechanics are broken so you should be playing battlefield if you really want to be shooting people but just remember that on experimental, the patch has been placed and the game is playable.. just about, there are still many things wrong with this game, when the DEVS pushed this game out for players to help with its development, they dont want just another ballbag complaining that the hitboxes are fucked because they KNOW THIS. the reason they are focusing on cooking is because its going to take the longest to do, the game is already playable from a shooters point of view but cooking doesnt exist what so ever, this opens windows to new players and also adds some extra play value. it also keeps players interested, you are only a minority who complains about the terrain hitboxes wereas the rest of us.. the majority are happy that this game even fuckin exists. 

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I AM a douchbag, however you lack reading comprehension skills, I was not shooting down hill.

But it's the exact same problem as when proned/shootin downhill you would know that if u had skills in usin the searchfunction, like you would know that problem should be fixed already in experimental - go on with your rant, big boy

Edited by Guest

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JT you're so hardcore.


I am not claiming to be hardcore, but merely stop the silly responses attempting to explain proper shooting stance, bullet trajectory, Minute of Angle and MPBR theory.

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Like I said. Known bug. 

Use the search function.

Bam, this pointless post was not needed. We're not here to be your magical Google fairies.

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Wonder how long before we start hearing about cases of post traumatic Dayz Disorder. who am I kidding we're reading them all the time!

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Invisible walls in that spot perhaps? These are things that get ironed out over time. Was this the rocky ridge north of Svetlojarsk? I can imagine there being a quite few issues if you're attacking from a lower part of it, what with all the rocks poking out and having the potential for an invisible wall just above it.

No, I was about half way up the sniper hill overlooking Elektro. The bandits were also 1/2 way up the same hillside, we were not shooting up or down at them, they were directly across from us.  There were no rocks or trees near either us nor them. We were standing for most of our shots, the bandits were crouched and behind no cover and we were both aiming center body mass.

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Like I said. Known bug. 

Use the search function.

Bam, this pointless post was not needed. We're not here to be your magical Google fairies.

I know there is a know bug that affects shooting while prone...I stood up and was standing and still had the problem...an un-reported bug? I can find no reference of this bug.

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broken PVP mechanics in a game centered around survival is completely unacceptable.


I think we have vastly different opinions about what survival entails.

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lol, OP needs to get laid and release some endorphins... Should clear that PMS of his right up!

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Sniper faggots looking to kill fresh-spawns in Electro have evening ruined by baddie positioning and lack of situational awareness.




Nothing to see here, move along people.

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Funny how people who have no connection to the dev team whatsoever takes it so personally when someone is criticising the game.


Because honestly, all we players are, are idiots who paid to work on a game that's still in Alpha, and we're invested in our work and product as well. Dean's a smart, smart man.

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I kind of see both sides of the story here, and can agree with both sides actually.  Not everyone is going to be happy, but everyone was warned not to buy the game.  One point about the dev team is that they need a little more structure.  While this is an alpha build, there has to be a middle ground between the investors (which are the players) and the dev team.  I do think that we as a community of people who've invested in this game need to keep pressure on the developers, yet we also have to remember that this is just an alpha. 

There does need to be updates at a much faster pace, even if it is a small thing like fixing the wildlife from screaming like zombies... because, well - that is just silly and an easy fix.  They already have a sound selection programmed for various animals in the game that is defaulted to... zombie? So, yeah, that right there just screams 'lazy' to me.


Also, it isn't that hard to stop the zombies from clipping into structures and features either.  While players do rubber band and 'clip' through walls etc; most of the time our 3D characters can not pass through buildings/fences etc.  Are the mechanics/AI of the zombies so messed up that they couldn't have the same restrictions as our characters in game?  So, to me at least it isn't a hard fix to stop zombies from walking through everything.  I am sure the programming for the zombie's 3d representation can not be that far off from a human controlled character representation.  So, yeah that is another "laziness" issue for me.

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