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Our lucky hostage has a good day

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So me and my mate sit in a house close to elektro, we hear a voice downstairs and we tell him to come up


- we handcuff him

- we tell him that we are going to do a few experiments on him and if he survives he is free to go and he will be given generous for the trouble

- he is handcuffed so he cant do much more than too agree

 i know that stabbing a zombie with a screwdriver knocks them unconscious so i wanted to try it on a player


- stabbed him like 9-12 times in the head and he is still alive

we bandage him to stop the bleeding


- Now we shoot one of the leg and bandage him

- then we shoot him in the other leg and bandage him


Now he is unconscious on the floor so i tell him that im going to give him saline bag, i dont have one. so i tell him that im going to give him blood instead.

I make sure he knows the risk of recieving blood. however it is his only chance to survive. i give him the blood and to my surprise it is a successful Blood-transfusion.


my friend gives him morphine and i think he also gave him epinephrine. he is still alive and now completly awake. 



- We then give him food, drink and 1 stack of following ammo: Revolver, FNX, M4 and a few shotgun rounds.

- we then let him go and the best part of all is that he thanked us.



(he also did have fun while we tortured him, he probably hasnt had many of those encounter and we sure as hell havnt had the pleasure of having fun with people in that matter many times yet. but this was a funny moment for sure.




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I like shooting them in the head with the Amphibia S then gearing them up and running away befroe they wake up.

Edited by LeeFriendField

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It might sound weird but I actually wouldn't mind it if people handcuffed me and messed around, so long as they let me go.


Even if they didn't it would still be an experience. All of this "being shot by someone you never even see, who probably won't even loot you" is really wearing thin.

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I always wondered, how bad and stupid you must be, to get handcuffed in this game.

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You should have given him a sewing kit to fix his clothes from the shooting.

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I do this alot. I will shoot someone in the leg. Handcuff them, Bandage them and give them  morphine. Force feed them and let them go.


I usually get thanked

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