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Check list: Did i just got killed by an hacker or not?

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Before you start making posts on how unfairly you got killed by the magical Haxor. I would like to state the obvious;


If you want people to believe you; Make a video.


No, it's not because we're Infidels. But if you claim to be killed by a hacker, we need proof you actually got killed by a hacker.

This is evidence of your story, If you have not recorded this. You might aswel start talking to a wall because that'll be the same response as you would get from us if you posted this on the forum.

So, get that game recorder ready. You might aswel record something more funny and rediculous in the process like flying bunnies or a rainboy monkey from Kids Next Door.


You died and you're not sure what happened; Did you die by the hand of hackers?


Before you start to claim you are, think about this.

Many factors can be the cause of your mysterious death. Lag by you or the server can cause strange things to happen VISUALLY on your screen.

Doesn't mean it happened the same way it did for others. Lag is the second most used conclusion to people showing video proof they've been "killed by Magic Haxor 109".

How to detect lag?

Not all lag is detected by your game. Small drops in connection can cause a delay that can ramp up to a large scale. If it repeats of course.

Notice the chain, Red means a disconnect from the server while you still are able to move. Your movements aren't registered by the servers and thus you ill see people moving through homes or trees or even fall through the floor of the map. Only to see them teleporting back to another location you didn't see them go. This is what's happening in most situations 


Here's an example of such lag i encountered myself on DayZ (Just the first clip before the intro. But you can watch the entire thing if you like)



Here i died when the first shots fired. While my screen still registered me "alive". How did i tell? I couldn't move the way i wanted, and i couldn't fire at the guy. This is desync.


Also, some people use wall exploits to see through walls and other objects. So it's no surpise they can see you out of your reach. Don't worry, it's getting fixed soon.



OK, I am absolutely sure i got killed by a hacker; Can i report these people?


I'm not sure if that's possible yet. Everybody can change their names whenever they like, so hacking goes unpunished so far. But i'm sure the devs work on battleeye to remove these hackers from the game!



Can't i post my claims here then?


You can. But just keep in mind what i said here. Don't cry wolf when nothing illegal happened. When you're not sure. Ask the community about it. But only when you have a video... Written words can be twisted in the way of favouring that there is a hacker. Videos don't lie.




Can i get a sticky for this aswel mods? Thank you!






Edited by rydekk
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Y U blue font, bro?


I have the power for it! Issues to read? I thoughts so... i'll change it

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have you ever googled "dayz sa hacks"? and what is up with the eye cancer font color?

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I have the power for it! Issues to read? I thoughts so... i'll change it

I thank you.  My eyes thank you.  I'll read once that's changed.

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what the fuck ..you know shit about contrast do you ..WHITE MAN, WHITE!!!

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what the fuck ..you know shit about contrast do you ..WHITE MAN, WHITE!!!




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alright changed it back to auto.

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alright changed it back to auto.

your topic is still just fucking stupid. it comes with nothing. you simply have no clue what so ever kid!

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your topic is still just fucking stupid. it comes with nothing. you simply have no clue what so ever kid!


Oh really? Haha good one

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The only thing I agree with in the OP is posting a video of the hacker in question. The rest is kind of silly.


Definitely not a sticky.

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agreed ..very silly


So silly you got a ban.

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Google or even youtube Dayz esp hack...enough said.. Untill our clients are NOT loading ALL the town data on items and such we are screwed

Death to all who oppose us


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I've been on both ends of the desync. When it happens to my pals it looks like they are running straight through buildings, then when the server catches up, the warp way back. On the other end, I've had pals tell me it looks like I'm running through walls and buildings, however on my screen everything looks perfectly fine.


Those things happen, and they've been happening since OFP. There are instances where it may look like someone is hacking, when it truly is lag or desync. Until the netcode gets optimized things like this will happen. It makes me think that people are just unaware of what desync and/or lag looks like in ArmA and Day Z. So it gets mistaken for hacks.


I'm not saying this is always the case. There are definitely hackers out there. There is no doubt about that, but...I guess what I'm saying is to try to look at it objectively. Accusing someone of hacking is a serious charge that brings a lifetime ban from Day Z. It's better to be objective and look at all the evidence...otherwise it becomes a witch hunt. By all means, ban the shit out of hackers...but let's make sure they are hackers to begin with.


Regardless. It's not even up to us. BattleEye does it's thing and it makes sure it bans the actual hackers. Sometimes it takes a bit, but when it does you'll notice a ban wave as threads start popping up about "my cousin/brother/roommate hacked on my computer".

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