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is it me or does the experimental install run better than the stable?

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i noticed after trying experimental for the first time that it seems much faster in terms of moving around and less lag when free looking and stuff.  i also notice my frames werent taking as much of a hit in cities.  anyone else seeing that too?

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Yeah I've seen the same thing. The computer that I used to play Experimental isn't that great. It's not terrible but it's not super good. Yet I find that now DayZ runs much smoother.

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With future builds...comes greater optimization.

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They have optimized moving around, so it really feels incredibly responsive. That clunkyness that everyone hates feels like it's been eliminated. I also think they increased the run speed, as I am zooming place to place. Either way, strafing and movement in general is a dream now. People are going to be really happy, as everyone I have talked to says the same thing.

Once they nail down that horrible invisible bug, it should be ready. I can truly say people are going to love the new movement!

Edited by Esolu
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i noticed after trying experimental for the first time that it seems much faster in terms of moving around and less lag when free looking and stuff.  i also notice my frames werent taking as much of a hit in cities.  anyone else seeing that too?

Well I have read only basic patch notes so I can't say for certain, but I can assure you thats a possibility, as optimization of frame rates and smoothness of gameplay are all in the direction of development. I think alot of people assume the experimental is unstable and broken more then the Alpha, and although that may be true in some circumstances, the most up to date fixes for all issues including what you speak of will be pushed to experimental first. 


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This is very possible due to the most recent fix for the games gear updates.

Right now in stable, you character spams the engine with user messages concerning gear. This cause FPS spikes/drops and desyncing. In experimental, they have fixed the spamming which may be the root of your newly found performance boost.

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I unfortunately experienced the exact opposite on the experimental branch since the .42 update. My performance is more erratic, and it is already quite erratic on stable, but I also experience a lot more lag and/or desync when it comes to interacting with objects or inventory items.

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I switch from the expt and stable regularly I have to say there has been a difference. However this was to be expected, as is any erratic server behavior or glitches, because they did alot of ongoing work on this upcoming build. Many of which has largely been server optimization and frame fixes. If im mistaken, the bandwidth usage is coming next.

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I took a quick look to find an answer, but I couldn't find it yet. I'm thinking about giving experimental a try as well, but I was wondering do you lose you characters from Stable branch (both regular and hardcore) if I'd give experimental a try and went back to stable for whatever reason?

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i noticed after trying experimental for the first time that it seems much faster in terms of moving around and less lag when free looking and stuff.  i also notice my frames werent taking as much of a hit in cities.  anyone else seeing that too?


Just wondering, did you read the patch notes?

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I have noticed a slight performance bump on experimental but at the same time it has been laggy slow response with inventory etc...


One thing i did notice that pleased me, is the tip of grass in fields is no longer loads of tiny little squares :P looks nice and smooth!

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They have optimized moving around, so it really feels incredibly responsive. That clunkyness that everyone hates feels like it's been eliminated. I also think they increased the run speed, as I am zooming place to place. Either way, strafing and movement in general is a dream now. People are going to be really happy, as everyone I have talked to says the same thing.

Once they nail down that horrible invisible bug, it should be ready. I can truly say people are going to love the new movement!

AWW YiSSSS! i've hated the clunky/stiff movement ever since i jumped in to the alpha. this is really good news!

although, i'm waiting for it to hit the stable branch. i hate hunting for an empty server slot for experimentals.

Edited by komadose

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Just wondering, did you read the patch notes?


i did, but if it mentions faster frames, i may have missed it.  i skimmed through it at best.

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They have optimized moving around, so it really feels incredibly responsive. That clunkyness that everyone hates feels like it's been eliminated. I also think they increased the run speed, as I am zooming place to place. Either way, strafing and movement in general is a dream now. People are going to be really happy, as everyone I have talked to says the same thing.

Once they nail down that horrible invisible bug, it should be ready. I can truly say people are going to love the new movement!

Yup and you run faster when holding a smaller weapon like a pistol or crow bar.  it makes more sense.  You still run a little bit retarded (i.e clutching the gun in two hands like a loon), and it's not as fast as if you didn't have anythign in yoru hands, but it's faster.

I still think if you can run with a machete at full speed in stable you should be able to run full speed with a pistol.


A rifle IS a different story and should be handled accordingly.

Edited by DoctorWhy

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Yup and you run faster when holding a smaller weapon like a pistol or crow bar.  it makes more sense.  You still run a little bit retarded (i.e clutching the gun in two hands like a loon), and it's not as fast as if you didn't have anythign in yoru hands, but it's faster.

I still think if you can run with a machete at full speed in stable you should be able to run full speed with a pistol.


A rifle IS a different story and should be handled accordingly.

That new running axe speed will kill ya. I mean literally, dudes with axes run so fast now and it looks scary. Although you are right about the pistol running anim.

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