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Muspel (DayZ)

20-30 FPS?

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Sorry guys I know that there're some threads about this, but most of them don't help me.


I've a good pc


i5 2500k

8GB ram

HD 7850, 2GB




I tried some changes on video option in-game, all disabled-low and all high but FPS are always the same, 20-30.


In-houses or some place like that I've 20 fps and thats kinda annoying when you're playing with 30-60 all time. I've better fps outside than inside, that's strange.


This is normal? or it is my problem?


I know that the game isn't optimized and maybe that's why but when I'm looking gameplays on youtube some gameplays seems to be really smooth, more than me.



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Welcome to DayZ. And yeah, optimization is not a strong suit right now. Pretty normal

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Sorry guys I know that there're some threads about this, but most of them don't help me.


I've a good pc


i5 2500k

8GB ram

HD 7850, 2GB




I tried some changes on video option in-game, all disabled-low and all high but FPS are always the same, 20-30.


In-houses or some place like that I've 20 fps and thats kinda annoying when you're playing with 30-60 all time. I've better fps outside than inside, that's strange.


This is normal? or it is my problem?


I know that the game isn't optimized and maybe that's why but when I'm looking gameplays on youtube some gameplays seems to be really smooth, more than me.



Normal the search function is good but just depends what put in there, I found the link buy putting " Performance Guide FPS ", it will show useful links / help. Which Nuggit posted the links, they are very helpful guides for FPS side.

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20-30 FPS is pretty good for most people playing this game. I don't get above 25 usually. Either wait for some optimization, deal with it or put big $$$ into your rig.

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Overclock your CPU and turn up your Texture and Quality settings to Medium as moving everything to Low puts more load on your CPU.

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