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Can I play DayZ with this setup for now.

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Hey basically im getting  a new pc made around August......but I really don't want to wait this long to play...basically I have an older pc...Is there any chance I can get away with playing it now with these specs, and if so would it look good and play ok.....thanks greg




CPU: AMD-A6-3650

GPU: Nvidia 560GTX

PSU: Corsair GS700

RES: 1920x1080-60hz

OS:    Windows 7



no SSD

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You don't think the crappy AMD-A6-3650 will be too slow of a CPU? will I have a lot of stuttering and framerate issues? What's the best setting configurations you think I should run?

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whats ur ghz?


im 4.25 ghz with a gtx 570 and get 30-60 fps


cant complain. sounds like ur rig will be fine, not horrible at all.


unless its like 2.4 ghz or something

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Doesn't seem that bad. You won't get loads of frames but it should be playable enough.

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I'm playing on a 2.6 ghz processor. Yes my frame rates are less than desirable, but the game is still playable.

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yeah its the factory 2.6ghz , it seems like some games are hit or miss for me...I can play Skyrim on ultra with a ton of mods, Witcher 2 on ultra, same with Tera....but Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 give me major stuttering...... so what do you normally get for frame rates around 15-20?

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I play on an i5 3.2ghz, but similar graphics card and ram.. I get around 30 fps everywhere, with spikes to 50-60 fps in woods

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Thanks for the input guys, I think im just going to try it anyway since I will be getting a new pc at the end of summer, worst case I'll just deal with it, and it will only make me appreciate my new PC even more when I get it.....

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