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Living to fight another day

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Just because you get shot at  doesnt mean you have to engage that person.


I think people get suckered into getting into firefights when they're outgunned/outnumbered just because we're used to so many fps and instantly responding.


If the name of the game is survival, then we shouldnt want to rush to our deaths. Unfortunately DayZ is really just a big pvp arena but I find it hilarious when I end up running from a fight or circling around the area only to see the idiots roam around out in the open intent on bloodlust. I could shoot back but its not my playstyle.


If you're more of  survival player and iike that playstyle, avoid getting suckered into fights. Since its permadeath, any gunfight you get into where you don;t have the advantage is a bad fight


Also to you folks whining about combat logging.


it's not always combat logging. Sometimes people slip away and you lose your target.


Ofcourse theres blatant combat logging but there are also some of us that dont feel like killing everything that moves....which may be a good thing for you

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I´m drinking my coffe with milk labeled "creamy dream 12" which presumably stands for the fat percentage. Not too sure tho.

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My motto:


He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

Edited by Enforcer

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