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Very curious about choice of gender.

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I play as a male, the playermodels have a nice bulge so I run around with no pants.

Maybe I simply have the misogynist ideal woman drilled into my head, but every non-white female model (all three) look pretty ugly to me.

I know I'll get serious and sarcastic "That's racist" replies, but I mean that the way they are modeled looks really sloppy and their faces look really compacted. The white woman just looks downright plain-jane, which is fine.

Edit - my phone changed non to mom.... phone, you crazy.

Edited by Demoth
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Kind of how this thread is off topic? This is the DayZ gameplay discussion, right?

General discussion about the game and the way people play. The OP is still a relevant question, though it does tow the line of off topic.

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a.  Variety

b.  I don't think it matters that much.

c.  in some games, if you are going to be looking at a 3rd person perspective of someones arse all day, t might as well be an appealing one.. ;)

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I also play as a women sometimes, because who else going to keep survivor camps tidy and in shape :huh: (cheap, i know but couldn't help myself)

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Because I flip a coin whenever I make a character for anything.


Heads its male, Tails its female.

Just how I've come to do things.

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I can't seem to play female characters at all. I always end up wanting a change and trying it... Back when I played a lot of WoW I made a Mage and decided to have a female. By the time I hit max level I got so tired of being a female I literally paid the $25 or whatever it is for a race change and switched to an undead male.

Multiple other female characters I've barely made it past level 20 and just deleted and restarted as male.

Don't know why... Can't do it.

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