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Direct Communication DOES NOT WORK

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Date/Time: 06-24-12 6:20PM

What happened: Direct communication does not work for all players

Where you were: Rog

What you were doing: Looting

*Current installed version: 93965

*Server(s) you were on: US20 + others

*Your system specs: Q6600 HD4870 Win7 x64

*Timeline of events before/after error: 90% of direct comm text wasn't being transmitted to a fellow player I was on the phone with. Every once in a while one would get through so we were essentially cut off from communication. Voice did not appear to work at all. This happened on multiple servers.

Scenario that made me submit the bug: Another player approached and I established us both as friendly through direct comm (seemed to be working between us pretty well). Needless to say the guy I was with did not see ANY of the direct comms and was spooked ending in a murder. Felt bad for the guy and I also felt like a dick for leading him into a trap. If direct comm worked properly there would be A LOT less pvp killing. This is probably an even bigger issue than the botched zombie movement/AI because it is slowly creating a 220km^2 deathmatch arena.

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