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Breathing Noises

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I would like to see the ability to tone down the heavy breathing noises in the options menu. If your character moves at more than a walking pace we are treated to heavy breathing noises almost constantly.  I dislike people doing in my ear in real life, and having it piped into my ears for 90% of the time I play DayZ is really quite an unpleasant experience. Other than that good game guys and keep up the good work.

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I can relate to this.


I made a thread awhile back about every character in dayz being an overweight lard-butt with asthma

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I made a thread awhile back about every character in dayz being an overweight lard-butt with asthma

that can sprint for 2 hours straight without even having to stop...
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Enjoy the game when you have a heart attack instead of just panting  ^_^

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At least panting is a sign that you're still among the living.


Seriously, I think the Effects config might tone it down. I'm not sure, but perhaps Health determines the amount of windedness also; I have a hydrated, healthy, energized toon and am not burdened by a lot of panting. Also (as you indicated in your OP), running everywhere should be avoided...

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I'd just prefer them to tone it down whilst zooming with a scope.


That's because your character holds it's breath to steady the aim when aiming with a scope.

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I dislike people {breathing} in my ear in real life


You want people to stop breathing... do you include your own breath in this? Does it irritate you when you can hear the resonance of this inside your own head as your lungs pump air in and out via your trachea? What about when people use their larynx to influence to tone of the air passing via this method - commonly referred to as singing?


Moving swiftly past this sure sign of some kind of mania, breathing is one of the sure fire ways to tell if someone is near by. Double tap shift and walk more often and you'll breath a lot less, and be heard a lot less too.

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You want people to stop breathing... do you include your own breath in this? Does it irritate you when you can hear the resonance of this inside your own head as your lungs pump air in and out via your trachea? What about when people use their larynx to influence to tone of the air passing via this method - commonly referred to as singing?


Moving swiftly past this sure sign of some kind of mania, breathing is one of the sure fire ways to tell if someone is near by. Double tap shift and walk more often and you'll breath a lot less, and be heard a lot less too.


Yeah, I jokingly call this a forest walk simulator when talking to my friends. Because I mostly walk when getting from point A to point B. I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I would guess that your food and drink goes down faster when you jog or sprint. Either way, like I've stated before, I enjoy exploring and checking out the scenery so that's my main reason to walk.

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