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Suggestion - Map Markers

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Is the search broken? I cant believe no one has said this but oh well.


I think the ability to add map markers(with a pen) to the ones we find would be amazing.

You could use it as a reminder of where you have stuff, or where you have looted.

Also it could be like a treasure map if someone killed you and stole it. 


Maybe, it could just be three or so different choices, like an X for looted, a :) for friend, :( for enemy, and a box for stash.


Ideally it would be something like this, with multiple marker choices(obviously no teleport). http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38731/?

you can find tons of other great mods as an example from other games(maybe WoW).


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It already exists. The devs will probably make it so that the markers aren't in common anymore but instead are specific to the map so that f you find somebody's map, you'll have their markers.

Edited by aknar

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Oh, thank god, I thought you meant a literal arrow on your screen that directs you to an area with the amount of meters away it is and everything.


Adding pen-drawn markers to maps? Actually sounds cool.

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"DayZ Standalone Guides

This page covers the Standalone version of DayZ. For information on the Mod see Mod:Guides & Tutorials

Using Markers on the map

You can mark various things on the in-game map.

To add a marker simply double click on the map when the map is fullscreen. A marker will show where you clicked.
You can change it's color by pressing SHIFT-UP/DOWN.
You can also use Icons on the map by pressing ALT-UP/DOWN which will cycle to all the possible icons.
Deleting a marker can be done by pointing to it with your mouse and then pressing DELETE.

The markers will be visible to all the players in this channel."

Edited by aknar
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