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sabotage/destroying loot

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I did an experiment today trying to sabotage gear that i found that I didn't need or want. First, a hunting backpack, it started out "damaged" 5 hits with firefighter axe, no effect. I shot about 20 rounds from an M4, no effect. There were no other ways to attack the object besides melee/gunfire. I repeated this process with an SKS, a can of, BEANS, and a few other clothing/survival/ammunition items and found there is no way to compromise gear through direct attack if its just laying there (other than firing off rounds or consuming food/water).

We all know gear is ruined when it is on a player and you blow them away with a cloud of bullets, so why can't items be destroyed/denied to others when its just laying there? A sapper/sabotage option would be nice to combat some of the weapon and gear overpopulation. It would also have a nice effect on servers geared more to survival and fun where teams of players could control the amount of weapons/ammunition the server contains. This could also be done through server loot options by an admin as a feature, but i think the act of doing it as a player makes it much more fun, and realistic. This would be of course when the gear is still adrift and available, or in your inventory. Don't leave your opposition the ability to kill you.

Anyone else have thoughts or suggestions on this?

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Edited by OR3GONIZ3D

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The search bar is a wonderful thing.  Find it, use it, love it.



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The search bar is a wonderful thing.  Find it, use it, love it.

I did use the search bar, it turned up nothing. i searched a few different fields and a few keywords and phrases, nothing. Thanks for your help. Nothing.

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Nice try naraga. However, you clicked on this topic first then typed it into the search bar. This then will only look in this topic, if you look in the search it only got "this topic", click on forums to clear it, then type it in again and you see the different.

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I did use the search bar, it turned up nothing. i searched a few different fields and a few keywords and phrases, nothing. Thanks for your help. Nothing.

I know for sure that myself as well as others have made threads on the same subject.  

Edited by OR3GONIZ3D

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The search bar is a wonderful thing.  Find it, use it, love it.



Are you just gonana post that in everything? Really?

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Are you just gonana post that in everything? Really?

As long as it is needed, yes.

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