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im dont this has been suggested before since most people on this fourm dont seem to be active shooters but i hope theres a few houses with reloading equipment in the basement and have it so you can save the shells you have fired in one of your pockets, and find one of the reloading stations in a house and hope they have powder, primers, and whatever cal bullet the gun you want to reload uses. or improvise and find a hammer to try to tap the bullet into the case and find a funnel to put the powder in the case, you would still need to find all three items, if you hit my house youd have about 200 .30cal bullets and large rifle primers and powder, same goes with my friends ect.

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No, because I doubt there's any firearm projectile manufacturers in Chernarus. If we were in the US, then yes, but other wise, I'd have to say no.

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There has been a thread just recently and as one told reloading is illegal in the soviet union...so as a post soviet state....

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There has been a thread just recently and as one told reloading is illegal in the soviet union...so as a post soviet state....

well nevermind then

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