smashingkivi 6 Posted March 8, 2014 Is it really necessary to have a player list in-game? And to be able to see how many people are on the server you're joining. Doesn't that undermine the realism and makes the game less nerv-wrecking?I think people rather choose a low populated server when they're poorly geared and when they're geared up they rather play on a high populated server.Personally I think it would be much more exciting if you never know how many players are on a server. You could perhaps still be able to see the maximum amount of players, but anything beyond that is too much information in my opinion. Though I guess most people will disagree. /Kivi 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smashingkivi 6 Posted March 8, 2014 Please tell me why. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Liege 70 Posted March 8, 2014 I like the idea in general but for it to work i think it should be hardcore only and they would have to reduce the number of servers (which they wont as people are making money of them) to keep them decently populated. I generally always try and play on servers with over 25 (both hardcore and regular) and with a ping under 200, some days its a real struggle to find a populated server, a lot only have 3 or 4. And i know i would get shitty if we couldn't see that information and then I played for a week without seeing anyone at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tors 5 Posted March 8, 2014 interesting idea - i like the way it emphasizes being tense, and never being certain of if you are in danger or not - but i can't help thinking that to a certain degree what you're proposing won't 'cripple' some of the in game functions - for example, i'm pretty sure you can use the in game player list to mute annoying people (never actually needed to try this out, i presume it works tho) - and as Liege above points out, the player count is useful as regards joining populated servers - what about a slight tweak to your idea? namely, that when in the server lobby, you can see how many people in game: e.g 35/40, but once you've joined the server, you can no longer see how many people are playing? this way, you can be sure you've joined a server where stuff is going on, but you have that potential uncertainty of "are they still here? :O " Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted March 8, 2014 I like this. It fits in line with all of the other stuff they removed to help with griefing, and revenge killing, etc.. If you join an empty server.. once you do, you have no idea if its still just you on it. I LIKE THAT A LOT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Liege 70 Posted March 8, 2014 ...apart from "playerX" is losing connection.... if they turned off the BattleEye Global messaging that would help this idea a lot. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AP_Norris 1018 Posted March 8, 2014 Steam friends should pop up in list.That should be all.Player count should be something along the lines of 0-12, 13-24, 25-36, 37-48, 49-60 like in planet side 2.This will mean 0 player servers would be indistinguishable from one with 12. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEST_SUBJECT_83 465 Posted March 8, 2014 Completely agree :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hethwill_Khan 233 Posted March 8, 2014 I do not agree. The huge amount of stable servers completely defeats any good idea this suggestion has. If there was only a few sanctioned private ones, sure. But as it is 90% of servers are loot farms. Plus, how do I list servers where friends are playing ? IMO a more restrictive server core code should be implemented, sorry to say. For example, less than 10 players in the server ? Manual restart disabled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fnal 206 Posted March 8, 2014 An annoying problem would emerge where you have 6 people in your group or so and you try to join a server with 4 slots remaining. 4 will get in and would have to leave, giving them 5 minute respawn timers. Imagine if this happened 3 or 4 times before you could all get into the same game, it would take 30 minutes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meenos 47 Posted March 8, 2014 because i dont like being jumped in a city for example. not when ive played for a long while. yeah sure u can get killed and i like that idea but not constantly always killed. unless u have absolutely 0 stuff : P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blue89 0 Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) Hiding server population would then introduce the problem of being the only person on a server and not knowing. So you're walking around looking to interact with other players but never find anyone. Although, I do agree that something should hinder people from gearing up on low pop servers all care free, sprinting across airfields and what not. Maybe servers less than a certain percent full, say 50%, could hide their exact population? That way people can find high pop servers no problem, but joining a low pop server isn't as safe anymore because there could very well be 19 people already on it. This would make it much harder to server hop and loot balota 50 times. Edited March 9, 2014 by Blue89 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capo 323 Posted March 9, 2014 Possibly something to consider for hardcore mode once more of the survival features are added and just staying alive is hard. At the moment though, I don't want to run around a server looking for players because I'm unaware that it is in fact, empty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
valtsuh 68 Posted March 9, 2014 this is pretty HARDCORE and i like it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ratter (DayZ) 11 Posted March 9, 2014 I like the idea but it may be a bit full on for some. A variation on your idea maybe a sort of traffic light system could be interesting so green light for up to one third of the server is full amber for up to two thirds and red two thirds to full in game and when choosing your server and addition of the no entry sign red circle with the line through it. Thinking about it this defeats the object of your idea a bit maybe split the sever 50 50 green for les than half full and red for more. It is nice to have some sort of indication of howmany people are on it is boring as hell on an empty server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 80 Posted March 9, 2014 Stop with the useless claims of realism, it's a game. There are no servers in real life, fucking hell. If I wanted to play on empty servers with no people I'd play a single player game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smashingkivi 6 Posted March 9, 2014 I understand everyone who's fearing having to play on empty servers all the time. And I guess that could be a problem. But that problem could be solved by having a server list filter option called "Show only populated servers". You know you're not joining an empty server but you don't know if there's 1 or 39 players on it. I don't think muting players can be a big problem, since you can only hear/see what they write when in proximity of yourself. And I do agree that friends might have to show up in the server list. Other than that, I stick too my first post. No red lights, no percentage. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smashingkivi 6 Posted March 9, 2014 Stop with the useless claims of realism, it's a game. There are no servers in real life, fucking hell. If I wanted to play on empty servers with no people I'd play a single player game. It's not all about making it more realistic. But making it more exciting. In my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smashingkivi 6 Posted March 9, 2014 ...apart from "playerX" is losing connection.... if they turned off the BattleEye Global messaging that would help this idea a lot.Agreed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blue89 0 Posted March 9, 2014 I understand everyone who's fearing having to play on empty servers all the time. And I guess that could be a problem. But that problem could be solved by having a server list filter option called "Show only populated servers". You know you're not joining an empty server but you don't know if there's 1 or 39 players on it. I don't think muting players can be a big problem, since you can only hear/see what they write when in proximity of yourself. And I do agree that friends might have to show up in the server list. Other than that, I stick too my first post. No red lights, no percentage. The difference between an empty server and one with only two people on it is negligible; it would still be very hard to find that other player, so playing on that server would be boring. There has to be a way to confirm that I'm on a server with at least a certain amount of people on it so I know I can find people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedogfoodyayho 295 Posted March 10, 2014 No.Something does need to done about empty server looting, though. But this is not the solution. I try to play on servers with no more than 25 but no less than 15 players. Now, before you go bitching about "hez nobs cawrdz", i actively search for players and stay in high-ish pop areas. Why do i play on these? Becuase full servers are complete CoD-style warfare. Typically people playing on mid-pop servers are less likely to be dicks, and you have less Spawnkillers, Loggers, and Kamikaze fresh spawns.With this, it would be literally impossible to find a server i like. And your solution "Hide empty servers"? I haven't seen an empty server in 3 weeks. Whenever i log into a server with less than 10 people (Usaully to test any new stuff, or when i get stuck in a glitch and want to fix it without getting shot while trying to get out.) I never see anyone, even when i once ran up the coast on a 7-player server.This system will just confuse and anger people. Want random? Close your eyes and click a server, and don't press P. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daisho 74 Posted March 10, 2014 (edited) It's not all about making it more realistic. But making it more exciting. In my opinion. If someone is squadded up with friends/ clanmembers and you never know if half of your group will get rejected because "server full" and then people have to deal with the relog-penality...that's imho not more realism, just more complicated with the risk of turning into more annoying. I actually like the idea of hopping into the unknown but I guess some solution like stated by that other guy, a simple option of "show only servers that are at least 50% filled" would it way better. No.Something does need to done about empty server looting, though. But this is not the solution. There is absolutely nothing wrong imho with people chosing to play on one (!) low pop server to gear up, rather fix the the private-farming-servers as well as the server-hopping... I think there's quite a few people that, when coming home from a hard day of work, might just want to run a round a bit in peace and with an acutal chance to find some items, rather than having to care about running into fully geared killers (like: farm-hopping done, now it's time to pop some heads) all the time. (I'm not saying that every geared player just did get his/ her gear by server hopping, but I'm pretty sure, a lot of people farm up like that, because it's the most easy way to "play" the game and the most easy way to survive.) /edit:I usually play on low pop servers and stay on the server I've connected to, it took me like 10-15hrs of gaming time to finally get my M4, because everytime I ran into some military base or airfield, EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE was fully (!) looted, even if the server just restarted like 30-60min earlier. At some point I was in a military base, when the server restarted and -oh, look at that - M4, assault vest, helmet, ammo....just like getting that stuff served on a silver plate by some dude in some fancy dress. I yet have to find my attachments for the M4 and some more ammo, because every day after that lucky restart-event, every military base I headed to was fully looted again, and I'm pretty sure not by the people playing on the server, but by some random visitors, who just keep hopping servers. Edited March 10, 2014 by daisho Share this post Link to post Share on other sites