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Bandits being hunted and killed for you fresh spawns

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LOL yeah I just seen that.   Just to let people know, if you see NCZN, we're a small group that enjoys helping people, but any hostile gesture will be dealt with quickly. 

Edited by Ten24-SweepNClear

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My hat off to you sir for teaching those bandits a lession.There is more into this game than just ''kill as many as you can before you die''

Edited by Silentine
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Yeah.  We were on the friendly server by Berenzino and we got shot at by trolling bandits by the shore.  We helped a couple fresh spawns out though.  Got video on that!! 

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You know 10-24... that video showed me something. Sometimes just distracting a bandit, is almost as good as killing one. 


Like how you just kept getting shot at.. Im sure even when you fled the area the guy was still nervously looking for you.. 


Its just as effective as shooting the legs out of 1 player who is part of a 4 man group. You dont kill on that first shot.. you wound to distract and immobilize the group. :)

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They just kept pushing forward though recklessly with hardly any cover.  The one duded that got shot in the pack was engaging us while his friend moved up from the military base and thats when I didn't get to hit fraps in time and he shot at me when I poked my head from behind the fuel tank. 

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