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Idea: Replace Broken Leg/Morphine with Infected Bite/Antibiotics

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Ok so getting a broken leg and having to crawl for hours, often threw heavily bandit camped areas to find a fix is a huge pain in the ass.

To me it also breaks the immersion, leg bones are really strong and they are not that easy to break unless you really know what your doing. (What is this a town full of Zombie Shaolin Monks)

But I agree that the Z's need to stay VERY dangerous and there should be a mechanic that makes coming in contact with them a risky bet at best. I also feel there is a classic zombie mechanic that has been left out of this game so far.

So what I was thinking is replace the broken leg with an infected bite wound. The bite would give you a fever that will slowly drain blood/health over time, and then as the fever gets higher the speed you lose blood would get faster until... well you die.

Now to cure this fever from your infected bite you need antibiotics. This would spawn in the same places and at the same rate as the morphine.

Once infected you can still be mobile but you are on the clock to find a cure if you don't have any with you. This gets rid of the huge pain of having to crawl for hours but adds in the increasing pressure of desperately trying to find something to cure the infection before time runs out. At the same time this keeps any contact with zombies very dangerous.

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Not bad. But keep Broken Legs/Morphine and ADD Infected Bites/Antibiotics.

And use the Suggestion Forum for Suggestions. ;)

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yeah personally I think the bones breaking should be saved for falling and getting shot. I fail to see how a zombie would have the strength to break bones by punching.

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What about if you fell off something high? i do like the idea though, but keeping the morphine/broken leg for falls.

@Reploid no one knows how they became zombies, perhaps they had there own little Chernobyl incident on chernarus and everyone became super zombies

Also moved to suggestions

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Not bad. But keep Broken Legs/Morphine and ADD Infected Bites/Antibiotics.

And use the Suggestion Forum for Suggestions. ;)

Yep, agreed. And the broken leg will be for falls (real falls, not the glitchy staircase type falls from 5 feet..come on, the femur is like the strongest bone in the body), and gunshot wounds to the leg.

Love this!

I've been reading this suggestions forum for like 20 minutes and lots of good suggestions - does Rocket check here?

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EDITED for spelling: Yea I think keeping the broken limb/morphine thing in for falls is good it's just frustrating how easy it is to get a broken limb right now from zombies. (was in a group of 5 people the other day and 4 of us had broken limbs, each from 1 hit from a zombie) From what I understand Rocket does read the forums when he can.

Also I do like the bandage + wood idea to make a splint to fix the broken leg rather than morphine.

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@Reploid no one knows how they became zombies' date=' perhaps they had there own little Chernobyl incident on chernarus and everyone became super zombies


That reminds me of a suggestion I wanted to post, thanks Pinkie! I mean... LVG.

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I like the broken bone happening when a zed hits you. Perhaps it could be tweaked to happen at a lower blood level, it was raised in the latest update after all, so it's a work in progress.

What I dislike about your suggestion is it adds another videogame'y aspect. While this might sound good on paper, it's counter-intuitive. Its not going to make a player avoid combat with the zombies as much as broken bones do currently. If you can just run and get your anti-biotics or wait until the zombies are dead to get them out of your back pack and use them, it's basically a bandage for (i'm assuming) a slower bleed rate.

In my eyes, the fact that so many people are complaining about the broken bones just goes to show that they're accomplishing their goal. When you get messed up in a game, you should feel that discomfort. Seeing my blood level go down from 12000 doesn't cause me discomfort. Having to find anti-biotics is nothing more than a slight annoyance.

DayZ needs more tactile feedback, less HUD, more intuitive effects. Things you can feel, things that make you angry/mad/upset/sad. Removing one of the only unique aspects of DayZ/Arma to add another number based health drain system isn't going in the right direction in my opinion.

Perhaps adding the ability to catch a cold/disease when struck by zombies on top of the already present broken bone/bleeding mechanics could be something I could get behind.

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I like the broken bone happening when a zed hits you. Perhaps it could be tweaked to happen at a lower blood level' date=' it was raised in the latest update after all, so it's a work in progress.

What I dislike about your suggestion is it adds another videogame'y aspect. While this might sound good on paper, it's counter-intuitive. Its not going to make a player avoid combat with the zombies as much as broken bones do currently. If you can just run and get your anti-biotics or wait until the zombies are dead to get them out of your back pack and use them, it's basically a bandage for (i'm assuming) a slower bleed rate.

In my eyes, the fact that so many people are complaining about the broken bones just goes to show that they're accomplishing their goal. When you get messed up in a game, you should feel that discomfort. Seeing my blood level go down from 12000 doesn't cause me discomfort. Having to find anti-biotics is nothing more than a slight annoyance.

DayZ needs more tactile feedback, less HUD, more intuitive effects. Things you can feel, things that make you angry/mad/upset/sad. Removing one of the only unique aspects of DayZ/Arma to add another number based health drain system isn't going in the right direction in my opinion.

Perhaps adding the ability to catch a cold/disease when struck by zombies on top of the already present broken bone/bleeding mechanics could be something I could get behind.


Well at the end of the day this IS a videogame, and games are supposed to be fun.

Now i'm not saying that fun = easy. Part of what makes this game so much fun is how challenging it is.

I'm not even saying they should necessarily get rid of the bone breaking mechanic all together. I could see if a zombie knocked you over/unconscious you getting a broken bone from the fall or them tearing into you. I also agree with the others that have posted that the falling and getting a broken bone mechanic needs to be adjusted but should stay.

What I'm saying is the current mechanics for getting a broken bone from a zombie should not stay as they are. A single zombie running up to you and breaking your leg on the first hit is not challenging or fun, it's annoying and frustrating. Replacing how they are now with an infection mechanic would add another cool aspect to the game that I feel is missing.

Now like I said I think that the zombies need to stay VERY dangerous, but not in the same way they are now. (That does not mean make them easier) In just about every zombie film/game/comic the biggest danger a zombie posed is not that they will break your bones, it's the risk that if they don't strait up kill you they will infect you.

As far as the hud I believe it's there to give you information that would would otherwise be able to just "feel" or intuit IRL. It may not be that pretty right now but I feel they can wait to spice that up later after they get the core game mechanics worked out.

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I support this idea! Leave the broken bones in just change it cause right now its way crazy...

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I support this idea! Leave the broken bones in just change it cause right now its way crazy...

Thanks ^_^

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