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Seriously do something to the blood loss.......

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I'm hoping the desync fix helps, it mostly sucks because of the desync, not being able to bring out your bandages. But blood loss does take time, so you have a couple min before you will start to notice the loss. And it's quite easy to regain blood by eating and stuff

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I prefer to play the game in black and white anyway. As I've been doing for a few days. A little blood loss is a good thing. But they should really think about adding nano bots for people who want to play easy mode and not bother to carry bandages. Just press Alt-J and you'll be healed.

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awesome thread..i wish we had a pic of the OP or a live video of him right when this happened.


my imagination is a 12 year old with raging to no end

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I'm hoping the desync fix helps, it mostly sucks because of the desync, not being able to bring out your bandages.

You can overcome that by moving items around in your inventory.

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Fuck you I know how the game works, now gtfo if you don't have anything better to say.





that's a mature observation in an altogether immature manner.


and you clearly dont understand how the game works... case in point everything you've posted in this thread. PROTIP - if you bleed and dont fix it you pass out. its not super complicated.


if you're wondering why i took time to type this, it's because you made an unreadable, pointless rant then act shitty when people try and talk to you about it. locate your butthurt elsewhere.

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It's so easy for people with english as their main language, none of you even understand what I'm trying to say. SO I'M GOING TO EXPLAIN IT HERE AND READ THIS SHIT IF YOU FUCKING HAVE A PROBLEM HERE:


I'm running to Polana, I see a zombie chasing 3 guys on a field, I go after them so I COULD ASK THEM IF THEY COULD PLEASE GIVE ME A CAN OPENER SO I DON'T FUCKING STARVE, they obviously don't see me since I'm 200 meters away from them, and behind them, luckily I have a rifle (the new 22.), I shoot it in THE AIR TO GET THEM TO NOTICE ME, well I thought one of them noticed me and I started to do the penguin dance, then a zombie hits me, I don't have any bandages since the last 3 towns were completely looted (by the guys I was following).


Then I run after them towards Gorka, and just when I reach them in the new police station I go unconscious, right when I started to put on a bandage(that the guy gave me), if I would have had the option to press my wound and mitigate the bleeding I wouldn't have died.



What I understand is that you would have greatly benefited from joining a Boy Scouts equivalent or maybe joining the military in your country, to learn how to control your temper and also a little basic knowledge about medicine and wound treatment.


Direct pressure is the first step in a series of escalating steps for slowing or stopping blood loss.  The other steps wouldn't exist if direct pressure actually worked all the time, but it doesn't.  Especially not for severe, deep penetrating wounds in vital areas (I've treated my share of stabbing and gunshot wound victims in the ambulance).


So to cool yourself off, just pretend that your character tried, but because you were too stupid to carry bandages/rags/dressings/etc., you were unable to treat yourself when direct pressure didn't work.  Maybe what you should be asking for are tourniquet or hemostatic agents like QuikClot.


Or maybe you're the kinda guy that would treat uncontrollable cranial bleeding by applying a tourniquet to the neck.  I'm kinda thinking that's where you would fall in the spectrum.

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I'm still trying to figure out how a zombie hit you in the first place. If you're running it's basically impossible for them to hit you at all. You must have been drunk, taunting someone, trying to snipe and not paying attention, etc. Remember that gun fire draws them in like fat kids to cake.

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. Just press Alt-J and you'll be healed.

I'd prefer a godmode.


But the point of my thread (if it even has one) is that why can't I make bandages out of my jacket or my pants?


OP, if u bleedin like a stabbed pig - you'r probably also shocked - i'd like to see how then you tear a jeans or militarygear bare-knuckle into rigs. For most ppl that's almost impossible while healthy.


awesome thread..i wish we had a pic of the OP or a live video of him right when this happened.

my imagination is a 12 year old with raging to no end

Something like this?

Edited by Guest

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