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Adding a knock out and body shield function

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Most of the time you have to shoot to knock out somebody..but how about coming at the back and you can use your pistol to knock out somebody with out shooting or even you can grab one of them as a body shield while you are approaching form the back of somebody?This may have a lot of fun and become more realistic...

Let say when you are trapped in a building and the bandit send some one in, the unlucky one..and you are able to use him as a body shield,you point a pistol to his head and threat the rest of the bandits, if they are not going to let you go ,you will put a bullet in their fellow's head.and this is the time testing people's humanity..They can choose shoot down both of you or let you go.If they choose to shoot down both of you I guess it helps the hostage know more about his /her new best friend.or you are searching a building. and someone come in and you are afraid to having conversation with them cause a lot of player just shoot on sight ,but you dont want to kill him so you can hide and approach from the back and knock him out..


How do you guys think about that?

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I really like this idea and sadly never even thought about it myself haha , I've been trapped so many times in police stations (airstrip building) and apartments in electro where one of these tactics could have come in handy . Not to mention it would just be fun to do all the time haha .

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