kurtino 1 Posted June 24, 2012 I mean don't get me wrong, it's for the immersion and feel of the game right? Cause it's realistic?Hello? We're playing a online multiplayer game, what's the difference between playing offline against AI bots that shoot on sight too playing online against people who'll shoot on sight? They can talk.ARMA 2 is built in with communication, why remove a key feature? The white text is short range and barely working, I tried speaking into my microphone and someone couldn't hear at all, as if I wasn't speaking (not volume) so that didn't even work.I haven't heard a single peep out of anyone... and if I find someone? He shoots me or I shoot him back in reply. I've had 1 person type in symbols who was russian and didn't fire at me but honestly, this hasn't improved the game at all.Makes it kind of boring. I don't know about everyone else but not everyone sits there in a private skype or TS chat coordinating and having a bunch of friends too talk too. Sometimes people just like too jump into a online game and participate in chat...or not? It's nice too socialise and interact with others or just read little bits of chat and info about what's going on...it's interesting...it's informative...it's friendly.Sometimes the server messes up and there's loads of lag so people on the server would communicate with each other too ask what's going on and if anyone else is lagging as well...this is suppose too be a alpha, surely communication is the most helpful thing you could have? What if someone is lagging or there are hackers or whatever else you want too say...you just can't say it...watching youtube video's of this game make it seem a lot more friendly because people are talking too each other in chat or over the microphone.I don't mind the microphone's, no one spoke in side channel for microphones anyway because people obeyed that sort of rule but if it bothered people...remove that instead. I don't know if Side channel is completely gone or not but every single server I've joined has it off now and the only reply I've got from people OUT OF GAME (because I can't talk too people in game) is "it's been removed".Honestly...I swear all of these changes are just narrowing and narrowing it down towards a smaller community. This is a online game, you know? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FieldMedic 7 Posted June 24, 2012 I do believe 'feeling lonely' is the point sir :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eegore 23 Posted June 24, 2012 I agree that no side chat hinders communication in a way that especially assists new players. I would like to see an alternative brought in soon. Radios or whatever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Time Glitch 453 Posted June 24, 2012 Good.Maybe you'll think twice before mindlessly murdering the next player you see. Maybe you'll want to talk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vitzo 0 Posted June 24, 2012 'Kurtino said: Hello? We're playing a online multiplayer game' date=' what's the difference between playing offline against AI bots that shoot on sight too playing online against people who'll shoot on sight? They can talk.[/quote']I get what you're saying. Everyone shooting on sight was more fun when you could banter in the chat while doing it. But the idea is you should be talking to the people you are meeting. Try it. Yes, they will mostly kill you. But you'll find that it brings back that player interaction you are missing the game gets a lot more layers. When shooting on sight gets boring and lonely, try not shooting on sight. Hopefully when there's more stuff for players to build or whatever they'll will be more reason to interact with people in the future anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ericp 0 Posted June 24, 2012 Quote Good.Maybe you'll think twice before mindlessly murdering the next player you see. Maybe you'll want to talk.No, Ill shoot them anyway to spite this way of thinking.Removing side chat was dumb. I want my server community back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theboat 35 Posted June 24, 2012 Feeling lonely is kinda the point. Abandonment, etc is all part of the apocalyptic feel of the mod, I mean yeah, having a team is good too, and not so lonely, but you still even as a team feel like everybody else besides your team mates is gone, and even for me I kinda get the feeling somebody is watching me when I play DayZ which is due to that lonelyness that lack of commonly seeing life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Milk (DayZ) 1 Posted June 24, 2012 I enjoyed the aspect of a friendlier server but I also see why they removed it. Either way I'm ok with it. I joined a server last night that still had it enabled and I had forgotten how fun it was to read the chat while running across country. Some of the shit people say is just noob gold. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillyGoose 0 Posted June 24, 2012 'ericp said: Quote Good.Maybe you'll think twice before mindlessly murdering the next player you see. Maybe you'll want to talk.No' date=' Ill shoot them anyway to spite this way of thinking.Removing side chat was dumb. I want my server community back.[/quote']Have to agree with this. Especially the point the OP made - this is Alpha, there are a SHIT TON of bugs, I want to be able to ask people "Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?" I mean, 99% of the time it's a bug...But if I'm unnecessarily aggravating myself I'd like to avoid that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daystar 3 Posted June 24, 2012 I want com's back. I could sit here and tell you exactly what happened.. but it was gay.. and I feel bad now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andb52 12 Posted June 24, 2012 I, too, want sidechat back... or at least a server option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kurtino 1 Posted June 24, 2012 I didn't mean too say I was shooting people on sight, I meant too say people were and only 1 person stopped too talk to me and I obviously didn't shoot at him because I told you he typed in some russian language with symbols.The majority of people you'll meet will shoot on sight, the chance that I'll get any communication in this hugely online game is very little. Sure it adds too the feel of the game but come on, a game's a game.I'm sure if I turn off Skype and Team Speak, Vent or whatever...sit on my own in the dark, starve myself and cut off communication from the outside world i'll feel a lot more immersed into the game as well. Keyword being game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benito 0 Posted June 24, 2012 Maybe they could fix this by giving global chat to people with radios, but honestly I don't miss it as the people I've encountered have been happy just to chat rather than kill each other until we head on our separate ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 24, 2012 Makes you feel lonely, eh? Almost makes you want to go out and meet new people who play the game and form relationships so you can get together and be less lonely, eh? Almost like rocket's experiment of removing side chat has already produced in you emotions and desires that no other game has managed to do by taking something away that you are used to getting for free no questions asked in nearly every other online game that has ever been made?The whole "it's alpha we need to discuss bugs" line is bunk. a) bugs don't get fixed on the fly, so just take notes and report them in the bug report forum where someone who matters is actually going to see it. And if you're interested in knowing about bugs, go there and read the forum where text stays on the screen for more than 5 seconds. Side chat as a bug report forum? Silly. Quote Removing side chat was dumb. I want my server community back.Then get off your lazy ass and take it back. Holy shit imagine that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lewisuk 38 Posted June 24, 2012 A was running around elektro (suicide i know!) and found 1 guy, saved him, he spoke and wr chatted, another guy, found us, spoke then shot we killed him, my mate arrived, chatted then we lost the 2nd guy to a zombie attack, coastline running from elektro, 1 guy who didnt respond just ran, another who spoke and we helped him kit up and we went on our seperate ways! - there are friendly people out there, just choosing the best way to communicate is the key, never stand in open and talk, always hide. If it looks like they are trying to find you -and dont talk back they are most likly going to kil you. - want a friendly teammate- skype: lewis.morley7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flawed 26 Posted June 24, 2012 "We are all alone together." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lewisuk 38 Posted June 24, 2012 Side chat, was good but this makes it more tense, plus people actually talk, if not they kill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ericp 0 Posted June 24, 2012 Quote Quote Removing side chat was dumb. I want my server community back.Then get off your lazy ass and take it back. Holy shit imagine that.I really can't stand you. Not everyone wants to play how you want to play. Side chat should be at least a server option. Then me and the majority of players can enjoy our care bear third person server with side chat while you nerd off in one of the 10 hardcore servers that cater to your needs.Removing side chat didn't change anything. What actually caused change was fixing direct communications. Now that everyone knows it works people use it, imagine that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KennyNZ 121 Posted June 24, 2012 Side chat was useful sometimes, but the douches who decided to turn it on and play an album of rap music.... yeah I'm happy we don't have it now haha.EDIT: I kind of wish people would look into things themselves before they come on here and rage. If you'd been keeping up with dayz news, you'd know that there are plans for radios. Possibly a whole radio netowrk type system. Sounds very cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kurtino 1 Posted June 24, 2012 'ZedsDeadBaby said: Makes you feel lonely' date=' eh? Almost makes you want to go out and meet new people who play the game and form relationships so you can get together and be less lonely, eh? Almost like rocket's experiment of removing side chat has already produced in you emotions and desires that no other game has managed to do by taking something away that you are used to getting for free no questions asked in nearly every other online game that has ever been made?The whole "it's alpha we need to discuss bugs" line is bunk. a) bugs don't get fixed on the fly, so just take notes and report them in the bug report forum where someone who matters is actually going to see it. And if you're interested in knowing about bugs, go there and read the forum where text stays on the screen for more than 5 seconds. Side chat as a bug report forum? Silly.[hr'] Quote Removing side chat was dumb. I want my server community back.Then get off your lazy ass and take it back. Holy shit imagine that.Yeah, his experiment was successful. I now enjoy the game less and have less of a desire too play it.Not everyone sits there reading the forums all day. You presume everyone is exactly like you and so everyone does the same as you...you're wrong. Funny how above poster thought the same thing.I remember when I first had the game and asked people in chat how to do this and that. Right click to bandage was the first thing I had help on...I can imagen the amount of people who just simply wont get this and believe it not, some people like to play this game casually, not super immense survival shoot on sight expert mode. Not having a chat in game just makes it harder on the forums.Here's a fun fact: Did you know there is a bug where you simply cannot communicate too each other and the side channel was already missing? I can't tell the difference if I have that or not now, so sometimes people will simply not be able too talk and not be aware that they can't read other people talking either. And no, it's not just the wrong beta version that does that, it's a legit bug that I know three people have had including myself while running the correct version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 24, 2012 'ericp said: I really can't stand you.You sound like my wife. Quote Not everyone wants to play how you want to play.This isn't about me. This is about what YOU want. YOU said you wanted to communicate. YOU said you wanted community. That's what YOU want. I don't even have a stake in this game. I'm just saying if YOU want something and you have every tool at your disposal to make that thing possible' date=' then YOU can go out and do it yourself. There's literally nothing stopping you from building a community of DayZ players up around a server and getting together with them to play on a regular basis as friend or foe. Just go do it. Now. What are you waiting for? You're here arguing when you could be off right now getting what you want. Quote Side chat should be at least a server option. Then me and the majority of players can enjoy our care bear third person server with side chat while you nerd off in one of the 10 hardcore servers that cater to your needs.Next up on the server option list: less zombies, no PvP, unlimited ammo, free food, free water, etc.Communication is an asset in the game just like all of these things. And just like ammo, food, and water you're going to have to work for it now. I think it's interesting. so does rocket. Why don't you? DayZ is amazingly innovative and all I hear all day on the forums is "BRING BACK THE STATUS QUO!" Ugh. Boring.And rocket wanted to TRY THIS OUT and asked people to give it a chance (like, more than a week maybe?) and keep an open mind. If every server just flipped the switch back to ON we would never get a chance to really see it play out and experiment with it and see what happens. It would be a pointless test. Forcing it on people makes them necessarily adapt to the changes, and rocket gets good info from that. At least, you hope he does. If people would just buckle down and give it a month or two before making up their minds. Quote Removing side chat didn't change anything.Clearly there's not a consensus on THAT. Quote Not everyone sits there reading the forums all day. You presume everyone is exactly like you and so everyone does the same as you...you're wrong. Funny how above poster thought the same thing.Yes, funny, that. How the two people using the forum to communicate with a DayZ player about their inability to communicate with other DayZ players have both come to the same silly conclusion about my critique of their logic. Like a couple of chimps fighting over a banana and you're surprised it broke in half. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
imagelesskjc 35 Posted June 24, 2012 'Kurtino said: Here's a fun fact: Did you know there is a bug where you simply cannot communicate too each other and the side channel was already missing? I can't tell the difference if I have that or not now' date=' so sometimes people will simply not be able too talk and not be aware that they can't read other people talking either. And no, it's not just the wrong beta version that does that, it's a legit bug that I know three people have had including myself while running the correct version.[/quote']No, it was fixed. I've logged 50 hours since installing the Beta and I've had no issues with Proxy chat. Maybe you are playing on outdated servers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m.williams47@btinternet.com 1 Posted June 24, 2012 'Kurtino said: I mean don't get me wrong' date=' it's for the immersion and feel of the game right? Cause it's realistic?Hello? We're playing a online multiplayer game, what's the difference between playing offline against AI bots that shoot on sight too playing online against people who'll shoot on sight? They can talk.ARMA 2 is built in with communication, why remove a key feature? The white text is short range and barely working, I tried speaking into my microphone and someone couldn't hear at all, as if I wasn't speaking (not volume) so that didn't even work.I haven't heard a single peep out of anyone... and if I find someone? He shoots me or I shoot him back in reply. I've had 1 person type in symbols who was russian and didn't fire at me but honestly, this hasn't improved the game at all.Makes it kind of boring. I don't know about everyone else but not everyone sits there in a private skype or TS chat coordinating and having a bunch of friends too talk too. Sometimes people just like too jump into a online game and participate in chat...or not? It's nice too socialise and interact with others or just read little bits of chat and info about what's going on...it's interesting...it's informative...it's friendly.Sometimes the server messes up and there's loads of lag so people on the server would communicate with each other too ask what's going on and if anyone else is lagging as well...this is suppose too be a alpha, surely communication is the most helpful thing you could have? What if someone is lagging or there are hackers or whatever else you want too say...you just can't say it...watching youtube video's of this game make it seem a lot more friendly because people are talking too each other in chat or over the microphone.I don't mind the microphone's, no one spoke in side channel for microphones anyway because people obeyed that sort of rule but if it bothered people...remove that instead. I don't know if Side channel is completely gone or not but every single server I've joined has it off now and the only reply I've got from people OUT OF GAME (because I can't talk too people in game) is "it's been removed".Honestly...I swear all of these changes are just narrowing and narrowing it down towards a smaller community. This is a online game, you know?[/quote']Great point - very boring wandering around with no communication or text. Shows a bit of a lack of understanding of fundamental human nature from the developers. No communication stops Dayz developing - closes the door to lots of fun stuff you could organise with other players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orb917@hotmail.com 117 Posted June 24, 2012 side chat/global communications have been planned to be removed for a while now. if you're feeling lonely or bored because it's gone, then rocket has achieved his objective of making you feel emotions. if you don't want to feel lonely or bored, then it's on you to solve this problem. that is what this game was designed for guys, if you were unaware of it before hand i'm sorry this realization is happening now, have a browse through rocket's posts and interviews to find out what else is in store for the game and why, and if you disagree with his philosophy you will likely be better served in other games."For me, this is art. My intention was to generate real human emotions: high on the list was frustration, being pissed off, and a general distaste for some elements of society and what happens when the shit really goes down." - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=125&pid=6296#pid6296"You are the inhabitants of the world. I am the architect. You guys are going to decide how this world plays out. Don't compare this to other games and look for different balancing mechanics. This is an attempt at something different, it is an experiment. There is no balance, other than the balance you will put in. I will put in the features required for you to either destroy this world into mindless PVP, or create something else. Don't look to me for that balance, because I will not give you it. We started this in a particular way, we're going to finish in that way." - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3693&pid=34112#pid34112"Are people so used to games shoving rules, tasks, stories down their throats that they can't handle it when something doesn't? Or would you like a world where the players actually get to do this? Not a structured and controlled environment that is "dressed up" as post-apocalyptic?" - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=588&pid=7100#pid7100 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZedsDeadBaby 2287 Posted June 24, 2012 Quote Great point - very boring wandering around with no communication or text. Shows a bit of a lack of understanding of fundamental human nature from the developers.Or, perhaps it shows a keen understanding since they apparently know exactly how to put that particular part of your human nature to the test in a way that has clearly taken you out of your comfort zone and made you feel emotions you're not used to feeling in a game which is precisely what rocket has said he intends to do with the product.Like magic, no? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites