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I just made a fundamental* mistake and paid* the price.

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I honestly thought you were going to describe a death from climbing a ladder reading the topic.

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Hello there


Personally, I'm not fussed about the chaps grammar, its the content that's key.


Which, is lacking in the majority of you chap's replies to the poster.






if they are never corrected they'll continue to spell shit wrong...

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Looks like you need help too. You need to capitalise the first letter of your sentence and then end on a full stop. Only simpletons try to use an ellipses at the end of a sentence.

if they are never corrected they'll continue to spell shit wrong...

Edited by ShootingPains

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Looks like you need help too. You need to capitalise the first letter of your sentence and then end on a full stop. Only simpletons try to use an ellipses at the end of a sentence.

if they are never corrected they'll continue to spell shit wrong...

Edited by ShootingPains

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Only simpletons hammer shit out of the "Post" button until something appears.  ;)


EDIT: And only edit one to correct a grammatical mistake :lol:

Looks like you need help too. You need to capitalise the first letter in your sentence and then end on a full stop. Only simpletons try to use an ellipses at the end of a sentence.

Looks like you need help too. You need to capitalise the first letter of your sentence and then end on a full stop. Only simpletons try to use an ellipses at the end of a sentence.


This thread is amazing.

Edited by Monkfish

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Actually, more of an electronic issue when submitting a post over intermittent phone signals!

Only simpletons hammer shit out of the "Post" button until something appears. ;)

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Actually, more of an electronic issue when submitting a post over intermittent phone signals!

Only simpletons hammer shit out of the "Post" button until something appears. ;)

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Looks like you need help too. You need to capitalise the first letter of your sentence and then end on a full stop. Only simpletons try to use an ellipses at the end of a sentence.



couldn't give a shit about grammar, this is the internet...  pointing out a spelling mistake on the other hand will help the dude in the future.

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Apparently no one gives a fuck about what the OP is saying, and more about the typos hes making. I didn't even notice any typos until I saw the comments, as a person who's first language is something else than english, understanding and reading english written by fellow europeans is pretty easy :D

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Apparently no one gives a fuck about what the OP is saying, and more about the typos hes making. I didn't even notice any typos until I saw the comments, as a person who's first language is something else than english, understanding and reading english written by fellow europeans is pretty easy :D


My missus is Lithuanian, she can spell better than me. 

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couldn't give a shit about grammar, this is the internet... pointing out a spelling mistake on the other hand will help the dude in the future.

If you're truly worried about people properly writing in the English language, so much so that you insult them on a video game forum, it is incredibly stupid to call them out on spelling when you cannot handle grammar.

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Experiences... Do not trust any1 :thumbsup:

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I don't know why I continued reading this all the way to the end but now that I'm here I feel I should add to this amazing display of trolls who live in their parents basement waiting to pick on people the same way they were (or are) picked on in school. 


Congratulations! As you sit in a position of "power" behind that keyboard life passes you by and you keep asking yourself, "will I amount to anything?" you hear a little voice that responds with, "no". Your self worth is so damaged that when you see others (on that little 17" screen) the only way to feel like your a "somebody" is to critique them and put their errors on display. For a moment, this makes you feel good almost as if you're good at something; sadly you've picked one of the easiest things to be good at.......being an asshole. 


Before you try and let everyone know that you trolls don't live in your parents' basement, weren't picked on in school and have self worth please realize that every good thing you say about yourself is contradicted by your blatant need to be recognized and get attention through insulting others and being a grade A ass hat.


Now go forth and troll on, it may be the only thing you'll ever be good at. You could also pursue a career in narcissism as that would really lend a hand to your need to show the world just how great and smart you are.....................from your parents basement.


Ps. Like it was mentioned earlier I have a feeling that many of the posters here do not share the primary language of this forum, English. If you leave that basement you may see that there are other languages out there in that big scary place some call the, "outside world" (<-code for, "not your parents basement"). To be clear, English may not be everyones primary language. ;)


Troll on

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